Mod Application
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Tagged: Moderator Aplication
This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by 2Federal 9 years, 9 months ago.
Greetings, my name is Jacob! Most of my friends call me Jay,heh. My main server CorruptCraft recently went kupoot (down). I have worked with the owner of that server for two years,two very long and painful years. Donations stopped coming and he couldn’t pay the 80 dollars a month anymore,sadly. Since that terrible event I have been out of a job per-say. Naturally since the downgrade of CorruptCraft I needed to find a different server owner to help. I know there are many servers that require moderation or administration. So lets get this over with! Here are my credentials
Name: Jacob C.
Age: Seventeen (17)
How long can you be online?: Since I recently just finished school I have a years worth of playtime before I head off to college. I usually pull allnighters and sleep from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Therefore I will be online everyday usually all day.Experience with servers: I have been playing this wonderful game since yesterday, :3! And I have nearly two years of server and administrator experience. Also, I am not an illiterate! I know how to preform my job,and get it done.
What can I do for the server?: Easily answered! (if you read all of the statements above) I can provide great administrative and moderation for said server.
Banning, muting and kicking: Weather it’s a racist,sexist,idiot,or hacker. I will easily,and fairly take care of hooligans that try to ruin peoples server experience. I do not tolerate racism,and I DEFINITELY DO NOT tolerate hacking. Weather it’s xrays,invisible texture packs,or modded clients. These people are the worst in my eyes and they will be dealt with swiftly.
I indeed have a skype! Just send me a request and I will give you more information.
The name is Jacob.cespedes1
My in-game account name is JaytheProGamer!
Thank you for the time you took to read this! -Jacob/JayVote-up
+Good Mod App
+Active in-game
+Great Personality
+Kind-of helpful-Inactive in-forums, Please get more active, and report more :D.
-Not a good experience in Prison, I can see you’re active.. But you are a low rank and don’t know much, otherwise I think you’re good to go.Good Luck
Vote Down!
-New to the forums
-Inactive in game
-Inactive on the forums
-Too much info.
– ” playtime before I head off to college. I usually pull allnighters and sleep from 10:00am to 3:00pm. ” Mods need sleep, I myself also want to be a Mod and they say I need more sleep. Trust me I know how you feel. And you said your going to college? Well you surly need more sleep.
– ” I have been playing this wonderful game since yesterday, :3 ” They don’t want people who just joined the server and apply for Mod. It don’t work that easy.You see you may think it’s just easy to get promoted around here. Well it’s not, you have to know your commands, have to be active both in game and forums.
This could be a joke and your just applying for the Rank as I can see.Closed Requested by Owner. Has to be playing for at least a month. Is new to the server.
Ownage you can’t close topics so why did you say “closed” Xd?
I think he can say it. But a Mod will do it for him. ( Not sure. )
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