Mod application.


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Mod application.

This topic contains 9 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #108299 Score: 0


    Hello everybody, of course as you know, I’m applying for mod.
    Well as what I need to know, yes I do know alot of commands. I have just registered now on the forums, But I’m always online even at the forums.

    Reasons: I do really love and like this server and hope that I can donate soon.

    Another reason is because alot of spammers at Prison and swearing people appear to always swear and spam (makes sense.)

    Most of the time I am sleeping or playing on my Xbox 360 If you don’t see me online
    You can contact me when I am not online at the xbox 360, Gamertag: StevenEyan (I can’t still know why my name is a boy name.)

    Real name: Emily.
    Age: 19 and a half.
    Is that all?
    I guess not.

    I do know alot, and I really mean it. Alot of mods, this doesn’t make sense but I play prison when I am at eternalcraft. Thats it boys, I’ve finished. (and girls. :C)

    Oh and my minecraft name is diamondcathat

    #108302 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote Down.

    I really hate it when people just come on the forums and apply for Mod ._.
    Even doe they’re not even old on the forums.

    -No need to know your age, heck you can be a 5 Year old and they still won’t care.
    -No need to give out your Real life name, they really want your in game name.
    -No need to give out your Xbox 360 Tag..
    -Seems as that you don’t have a Skype.
    -” Another reason is because alot of spammers at Prison and swearing people appear to always swear and spam (makes sense.) ”
    Report if you see any of that.
    -” I have just registered now on the forums, ” Don’t be one of those people who come just registered on the forums within hours and Apply for Mod. It really doesn’t go that way around here. They’re not one of server who tell you to apply on there forums, and then you get your Rank. No.
    -Poor Mod apply.
    -New to the forums.
    -Inactive in game.

    #108311 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Hi Emily Welcome To The EC Forums.

    Please use this template for Mod Applications

    In-game names used:
    [Name goes here]
    Experience: [Do not advertise]
    The Server you are applying for: [Survival,Prison,etc]
    How Often you are Online:
    Why you want to become mod:

    If you are new to this Mod Applications stuff ( Important )

    Please Read This =

    Once you completed the request on the link above. You can try again 😀
    Also, that mod app reminder is kinda outdated but you can still use it for a guide to become a moderator on EternalCraft

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  ZeBlitzKiller.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  ZeBlitzKiller.
    #108320 Score: 0


    vote down

    dont see you online
    think your new here
    “I have just registered now on the forums, But I’m always online even at the forums.” you need to have experience on this forums
    and you can just report instead
    poor mod app

    #108321 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote down…

    -new to forums
    -constantly char spams
    -doesnt report
    -no template
    -doesnt help
    -poor mod app
    -doesnt even follow basic rules in prison…
    -reasons does not relate to being mod

    #108322 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Ok um, I think she already got the point ;-; That’s alot of reasons ;-;

    #108334 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    All these reasons They were spoken by: Tavon and Ender243

    #108350 Score: 0


    Unfortunately you are too fresh from the oven.

    Vote Rating: ~3.71%

    Reasons: Too fresh from the oven.

    Other reasons stated above -.-

    #108511 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    -Didn’t follow template

    -We don’t need your IRL name

    -XBox Live tag is unneeded.

    -We don’t need your age. I’m ten and applied for mod more than once.

    -Excessive slang used in Mod App.

    -Grammar needs work on.

    -“Another reason is because alot of spammers at Prison and swearing people appear to always swear and spam” You don’t say? Also, you can report as a member.

    -“Reasons: I do really love and like this server and hope that I can donate soon.” I love and like this server, will the admins be forced to promote me or something? Hoping that you can donate isn’t a reason for becoming a mod, too.

    -“Well as what I need to know, yes I do know alot of commands. I have just registered now on the forums, But I’m always online even at the forums.” How the crap are you ‘always online even at the forums’ if you’ve “just registered now on the forums’?

    -Never seen you online

    -Never seen you help

    -We don’t even know your ingame name (yet) but we know your IRL name and XBox name. Genius.

    -Mod app is plain crap. (that rhymes :D)

    -“Thats it boys, I’ve finished. (and girls. :C)” Yeah you don’t say.

    -New to the server


    #108937 Score: 0

    2 pts


    You can reapply using THIS template once you feel that you are ready. But do not forget to read the requirements before that. :)

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