Mod application


This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Aidan Nye 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #130613 Score: 0


    In-Game Name: Gorbit99
    I was mod on some server and had one too. I am online 2-3 hours per day, except for holidays and weekends (on holidays longer, on weekend less). I don’t see mods online so often so if someone cheats, then it’s real hard to do something about it, so I want to be a mod, to make others life easier. I’m mostly online between 2 and 4 or 5 in GMT. If I become a mod, I promise, that I don’t exploit my rank and I will get rid of cheaters and help others.


    For Vishu
    The following was written by Gorbitt i just added it to his main post for him. (AidanNye)

    In-Game Name: Gorbit99

    Experience: Playing minecraft since beta 1.8, was moderator on multiple server

    How long are you online daily: 2-3 hours a day

    Why do you want to be a Mod: I don’t see mods online so often so if someone cheats, then it’s real hard to do something about it, so I want to be a mod, to make others life easier.

    Your Promise and Commitment: If I become a mod, I promise, that I don’t exploit my rank and I will get rid of cheaters and help others.

    Here you go, this one follows the template. As you can see, I only copy-pasted everything from my original application.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by  Aidan Nye. Reason: Just added Gorbits templated mod app
    #130617 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Vote Middle-down
    -poor English
    -poor mod app
    -Mods are not online often?
    +I didn’t see u do anything wrong

    #130620 Score: 0

    10 pts

    vote down
    -Effort in mod app
    -1st topic on forums (which is a mod app gr8)
    -never seen u online
    -ur reason’s for why u wanna become a mod dont seem too fit in
    -didn’t use the mod app

    #130664 Score: 0


    vishu, I can’t see you online either, that doesn’t mean anything. I actually followed the template, and everything’s here. I don’t really know, why my reason doesn’t “fit”. And yeah, whilst I’m online (like I said 2 – 4 GMT+0) there’s absolutely no admin or mod online most of the times.

    #131150 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote Down.

    -New to the forums.
    -Inactive on the forums.
    -Never helped much.
    -Not so friendly.
    -Mod Apply is poor.
    -English needs some working on.

    Godd luck! And have a good day. :)

    #131657 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Been more than a week and no positive votes but feel free to make a new mod app in a month

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