Mod application


Home Forums Factions Mod Applications Mod application

This topic contains 13 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #70145 Score: 0

    1 pt

    In game name: igra2002

    Experiences: ive been playing since 2011 july 20, and before that i watched a lot of videos of minecraft like how to craft things, i also have try to learn all the faction commands servers and ive been mod on 2 faction servers, also when im not on vacations i do homework and after i finish, i enter the server, sometimes when i invesitgate on the computer for history or those stuff i also enter the server and even chat while doing homework, 1 more thing maybe you are on china and you dont see me online because you will not have the same timezone as i say i try to be online everyday 2 or more hours eeven until 5 hours

    How often are you online?: I try to be online everyday and when im online i spent 2 hours or more even 5 hours!

    Why should we pick you as a mod? Because as i say im online a lot of time and everyday, also i visit the forum everyday too to see the news and more, and i have reported and will keep reporting anyone that insults other players or uses x-ray or hacks, as i say i have been mod on 2 factions server and i think you should accept me because of my experiences

    Extra stuff: im online on the factions server and on minigames server but mostly on the faction server


    #70146 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Vote Down

    Inactive both In Game And the Forums
    If you are actually active on the Forums, you should contribute more and reply to posts to give us proof that you are online

    Bad reason, how can you know if others uses hacks?

    #70150 Score: 0

    1 pt

    yes im online in the forums and i report i have tell stuff on the web chatting and reply to posts on reports , how can you know if other use hacks? because i can see them flyng or using aura kill and those stuff go to minigames and see my report of hacking i hope that makes you vote up pls god


    #70153 Score: 0

    1 pt

    yes im online in the forums and i report i have tell stuff on the web chatting and reply to posts on reports , how can you know if other use hacks? because i can see them flyng or using aura kill and those stuff go to minigames and see my report of hacking i hope that makes you vote up pls god
    yes im online on factions and minigames from now i think i have been on minigames more but i have been a lot of time on factions!

    #70168 Score: 0

    13 pts

    You can edit your post by pressing that button up there (as I would expect from a person that is active on the forums) Also you should know the rules to not spam your post to get people to see it. If you are online everyday for 5 hours while I am online for 8 hours on faction for real and never seen you at all in a week so I am guessing that you are lying. Judging by the time you post this it is the average time I’m online.

    “I hope you vote up pls god” is a no no and show ignorance. People who are hacking would be noticed by the moderators. Reporting once and then applying don’t make you a mod.

    #70193 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Dint ask on the forums how to edit thats why i dont knowed, i have go to factions and i dint see you either not survival factions and im always the only 1 the i hope you vote up pls its just telling god that i hope that works i should have not tell that in public and i also said sorry for spamming cuz i dint know you can edit, dint report only once i think im not ready if i still dont know more if i get one more vote down pls close this thing and ill wait more and try t accostumbrate to the server

    #74236 Score: 0


    even if im ur friend i really dont see u playing fac or minigames everyday and if u okay i think it takes 45 min and u disconnect

    just make sur ur online i will definitely vote

    #74237 Score: 0

    Vote down.

    1. Inactive in-game
    2. English very not best
    3. Not that good at Factions
    4. Playing MC while doing your homework ain’t that badass. I used to play Fallout while studying for my Economics exams
    5. Never see you helping people
    6. As shown in the recent replies, you are inexperienced in
    A) Dealing with criticism
    B) The forums’ concepts
    7. I remember when you abused that WG glitch that enabled PvP at the spawn
    8. Don’t blame people for having the wrong timezones. Blame yourself for being inactive
    9. I never see you on, so don’t lie about being on everyday
    10. Most of your reports were of hackers at the Minigames server
    11. Well, most of your experiences aren’t that good, and I personally wouldn’t promote you based on those
    12. Overall, poor mod application

    #74239 Score: 0


    Vote Down.
    1. Inactive
    2. Not responsible
    3. To be honest, your english sucks.
    4. People in China are the only ones who are not able to see you? More like this whole world.
    5. Poor attitude when responding to players.
    Overall please take time and don’t rush you mod app. You need more experience.

    #74240 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Vote Down

    reasons are above

    #74243 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    1.All the reasons are stated above so yeah.

    #74244 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Vote down, reasons stated by Adrenaline.

    #74247 Score: 0


    Vote down. All reasons are stated above except one: asking for vote up.

    #74746 Score: 0

    14 pts


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