Mod Application
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This topic contains 31 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by maxminoS 11 years, 3 months ago.
Vote down:
-attitude-you have this attitude that isn’t exactly…well..helpful
-never seen you help anyoneVote down every time i go to pvp hill with diamond armor your there pvping people like Boom
I think as zev, but instead, vote between middle and up.
<—- right there
gofoufi…..pvping doesn’t affect gaining moderatorship since after all this is a PVP SERVER…..
Dicedead I was the first person to do that >:U lol
Vote Down
You have a terrible attitude, haven’t seen you help (maybe I don’t notice?)
i want something really special
Thats not a good reason to be mod. People don’t become mods because of their own desires.
Vote Down
You are sometimes rude, and I never see you help
Why you shouldn’t become mod!
-Attitude is important, You need to be cool headed and respect other people.
-Never seen you help(Irrelevant because we have a large time diffrence)Sometimes I wonder why people want to be Mods, then I realized, some have good intentions, some,well, just wanna ban, kick,mute and warn. After observing you ( fake afk, sorry mods
) I realized you are more like the 2nd type than the good intention type. Sorry but I have to give a vote down.
Your PVP family is PVP not like helping you to help others and stuff. Sometimes, you just have to really…Be more formal, helpful, respectful and well, non-racist.(sorry).A job of a Moderator is more than helping, it is into a more bigger level and responsibility. You can have a another try, into your own character. So, instead of voting down I will change it to a vote middle, you still have a chance! 😉
Lol tks ppl for vote down me, i made this for hearing from ppl and now i realize my attitude so awesome xD i truly dont really want to be a mod for sure. I wish i can be pvp trial mod lol
EGGxactly booty. And Death_Souls (edison_bro :P) thats 99.999999% true what u said. *find why its not 100% :p*
Guys seriously i make this post for check out how ppl say to me xD i dont want to be a for sure just not like death_soul say llol
WOW you just made a modd app just to hear what people think about you??!?!?!?
Let’s go through this
“Username thegamer2145”
– That’s okay, everyone can do that“Experience: i have joined this server for 1 1/2 years now and i enjoyed this server so much and i love it. And because i joined long time ago on server, so almost everyone know me since the 1.6 released.”
– The first part is a fact, okay, and the second part is an opinion
” Sometimes ppl said i was being racist but the truth is ppl harrassed me alot so i felt mad and want to pay back.”
– So what your saying right here is that if I were to offend you, you would offend me back or kill me or something, and you were being racist? We want a mod that doesn’t want to be racist or pay back in wrath
” And in other way, i have my good and friendly bros in my pvp team and i love them also the server.”
– PvPing isn’t a part of becoming a moderator… losing PvP privileges is part of it and helping your PvP team isn’t gonna increase chance of getting mod either way
“How often im only: weekdays: 7pm – 10pm ( I live in IL State)”
– Good ,but the part is that its only three hours so yeah
“Weekends: usually all days night”
– Still could be more active
“Why i want to be a Mod: since i joined long time ago, i want something really special and if i will be a mod i can help ppl xD”
– To be frank, I’ve never seen you help, and you was mean to me, and “I need moderator cuz I was in this server for an extremely long time”, isn’t a good excuse to become moderator, and “I want something really special”, you can’t just, you know, go and ask borncorp for moderator ranks cuz you’ve here for a while. And “if i will be mod i can help ppl XD”, I don’t think your really want mod in that sentence, especially the “ppl XD”, you used a shorter word for people and wrote ‘XD’, and that doesn’t seem that you seriously want it.
– Yeah… I guess that’s a signature, and that’s fine
In Conclusion: Your bottom part seems to make you a really bad choice for mod and the top part an average choice for mod. Due to that, I vote DOWN.
VOTE DOWN!!! you called me mongoose multilple times and love making fun of other players.
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