Mod Application


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This topic contains 14 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #80331 Score: 0


    In-game names used:ShunScout
    Experience:I know the rules and i know the recipes of magic craft
    How Often you are Online:Sometimes
    Why you want to become mod:Because i like to help the other peoples
    and teach them how to be a good player:).

    #80332 Score: 0


    Vote Down..

    Not enough reaons…
    TOO short Mod App

    #80335 Score: 0


    -Vote down

    Reasons aren’t good . You can help players with that just by being a member too .
    Active: “sometimes” I don’t really see you on only once in a while, either timezones or you’re just not on.
    Short Mod App: Looked like you didn’t even try to make it worth it.

    GoodLuck Buddy

    #80337 Score: 0


    -Vote down

    A. Never saw you online
    B. Short mod app.
    C. Not enough reasons.
    D. The reason you gave is not good at all; you can help others by being a member; and tellin them basic things.
    E. Probably took you 1 min to do the mod app.
    F. You dont seem interested
    G. Replying took me more time than it took you to make your mod app lel.

    I can keep going, but its a waste of time .. Try getting to be active more, friendly, and play more then try again in three months personal oppinion no hard feelings. :)

    #80339 Score: 0


    Vote down.
    You clearly put no effort in to your mod app, and I have never seen you online, or just never noticed you.

    #80342 Score: 0

    41 pts

    How Often you are Online:Sometimes

    No. Just, no…

    Please, if you’re serious about wanting to become a Moderator, or maybe even just making a Mod App, put effort into it.

    Sorry, but as own7ge said, it more than likely took me longer to write this, than it took you to write your entire Mod App.

    Please, work on whatever points the previous votes have to say, and maybe one day you’ll be ready.
    To go along with all that I’ve said in this reply, this’ll be a Downvote from me.

    #80343 Score: 0

    Vote down.

    1. New player
    2. Anonymity on the forums/game
    3. New forums member
    4. Not enough experience as a moderator
    5. Not enough experience as a member
    6. Really short application
    7. I have never seen you online
    8. I literally can’t judge this application because of how short it is
    9. Nor can I judge your personality, for I have never seen you online
    10. Needless to say, lots of things missing
    11. “I know the rules…” So do I
    12. “…and i know the recipes…” So do I. Also, you never specified what recipes. Crafting recipes? Cooking recipes? Cocktail recipes? I lvoe Bloody Maries, I’ll change my vote if you mail me one
    13. As many have said already, ****’s too short
    14. You are supposed to state your experience as a member/player on EC, other servers, and MC as whole
    15. English very not best
    16. Please specify how much time you spend on the server, in hours
    17. Never saw you report anything
    18. Nor did I see you help anyone
    19. “…Because i like to help the other peoples…” That reason has been used for centuries, by gamers, policemen and senators alike, yet has always proven itself to be faulty and useless
    20. “…teach them how to be a good player:).” First of all, explain to me how you’ll be teaching dozens upon dozens of players to be good members. Second of all, give me the accurate definition of “good player:).”
    21. Poor, short, not worked on enough… GG bro


    #80344 Score: 0


    Vote Down.
    Because new player.
    Dont have experiences.

    #80346 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote down.

    New player

    Mod app short as hell

    Magicraft? dahell

    Who are you…?

    #80347 Score: 0

    12 pts

    well is this guy kidding me right now a NEW! player then you want to be a mod so soon and you have NOT wait till 90 days and I bet you don’t know anything about this server but im sorry but I have to VOTE DOWN!

    #80352 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I can make a better mod application then him im old here all the guys who play this server know me and how I work dude im not trying to be mean but I bet I can be a mod befor you just saying :/

    #80364 Score: 0

    Vote DOWN!!!!
    Reasons by

    #80372 Score: 0


    Vote down

    That length of the mod app doe.

    #80374 Score: 0


    vote down.

    -not active
    -no good reasons
    -too short mod app
    – rest of the reasons stated by others



    #80435 Score: 0

    14 pts


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