Mod Applications


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Mod Applications

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #78418 Score: 0

    12 pts

    HI there I will like to be a mod on prison this is why I will like to be a mod I LOVE yea I said I LOVE playing prison its to fun not to play prison and im a good player some ppl hate me some ppl like me but I will be who im am and keep it moveing if someone say something bad about me im not going to say something bad back to them becuz now I know its not right to say bad thing back to ppl if they do it to you so its not right if I do get mad at any time I will even just go away for a min or just don’t say anytime at all if you need me my Skype name is tavon davis I can be a good mod in prison like I mean man I LOVE playing prison but this is why some ppl hate me becuz of like I did something to the team or im just to bad fro this team but if ppl do hate me for who im am I don’t care I never care about it I just came here to play a game that I love playing like I don’t hate the ppl who hate me I like them if they do hate me its just how I see things but if you want you can read this or keep it moveing thx :)

    #78422 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    1. Not enough experience as a player on EC
    2. Not enough experience as a moderator
    3. English very not good
    4. Never see you helping
    5. Never saw you report anything
    6. Tons of irrelevant information mentioned in the application
    7. Tons of relevant information missing from the application
    8. Did not follow the templete

    In-game names used:
    Experience: [Do not advertise]
    How Often you are Online:
    Why you want to become mod:

    #78424 Score: 0

    12 pts

    like I said lets keep it moveing :)

    #78432 Score: 0


    Erm…….Vote DOWN

    When was your last mod app…. not even a month ago and on top of that, i dun think you’ve followed the mod format -.- My advice always make a new mod app every (3) Months


    #78433 Score: 0

    5 pts

    I’m not gonna vote, tavon you advertised in webchat. And didnt follow the template. If you think there gonna accept this. Rethink it 😉


    #78435 Score: 0

    Vote down.

    1. Hasn’t waited the three months needed to make another application
    2. This is the third application after two failures. Do you really think you’re gonna get promoted?
    3. Never see you helping
    4. Never reported anything
    5. English very not good
    6. No template
    7. Annoying personality :/
    8. Weren’t you banned for advertising once?
    9. Aaaand you’ve advertised your application on the WebChat…
    10. I’ve seen you speak Spanish in the main chat once
    11. If you’re reading this, you have hairy nostrils
    12. “…good player…” YEAH, LET’S BRAG RITE FROM THE START FTWWW
    13. Not enough experience as a moderator
    14. The top half of your application is stuff you’ll find in One Direction song lyrics
    15. If someone is disrespecting you, you can always ignore. Or better, report him/her and rek ’em
    16. This is the worst application I’ve seen so far, no joke
    17. No matter what you do, you’ll always have enemies in EC. A person with experience would be used to that, and not mention it in his/her application
    18. You’re basically saying that you’re an amazing player, and that you always help and donate, but people hate you because you’re do typical “prison stuff” to them (traps, trolls, etc.)
    19. You can help the “ppl” as a member, no joke
    20. You’re not supposed to say “anything bad” to the critics and the haters. In fact, doing so will result in mutes and jail-time. Of course, as a player with lots of experience, you know that, right?
    21. So much slang, shows that you’re laid-back and relaxed. Very bad sign
    22. As a player with tons of experience, you know that being a moderator means being cool-headed and nice, right?
    23. Crappy application, such wow

    #78436 Score: 0

    Oh yeah, and 24. Inactive on forums, never see you there

    #78438 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Richard, #11 how did you know :O mind=blown

    #78445 Score: 0


    VOTE DOWN!!!
    You haven’t waited your 3 months since your last 2 got denied last week -_-
    All of the above with Richard
    Very rude and disrespectful to players in prison.
    Not liked by most players (as you can see in mod requirements you must be liked by most of the population)
    Don’t follow the rules
    Constantly trying to pick fights
    Didn’t follow the template.
    Horrid mod application.
    Over all I don’t think you should continue making mod applications if EVERY one of them is going to continue to look like this.
    Wait your 3 months and try it again and FOLLOW THE TEMPLATE!


    #78462 Score: 0


    I know my votes don’t matter but im voting down, you’ve been very disrespectful to me on prison and i follow Richard’s entire list as well

    #78516 Score: 0


    Your last application was recently denied. You should wait for at least 3 months before re-applying, sorry..
    And make sure to follow the template next time.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  FuriousKnight.
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