Mod applications


Home Forums Factions Mod Applications Mod applications

This topic contains 21 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #80898 Score: 0

    12 pts

    hi there its tavon here

    In game name:tavon

    Experience: i have been playing this for a long time now i always loved faction when they made it up i use to be online playing faction for like 7-5 hours so i know what to do and how faction and how it works i got a test server were i can test how the commands works and are they working or not things like thatsome of you guys may say like “oh i never see you online” its just bc of the timezones or i got homework to do or im just cilling with my friends in prison and now im seeing its not too many mods for faction so i will like to be one P.S its just a test server dont bug me about it thank you

    How Often you are Online: well maybe about 2-4 hours maybe longer if i dont have school.

    Why you want to become mod: well i will like to help the new comers who come here and dont know what to do i’ll like to help them on things like that also i know ALL the commands for faction and i want to help faction grow biger like get more ppl to play it im not an bad player on faction just a good player i mean i did somethings in the pass but the pass was the pass but anyways it will mean alot to me that i can be an mod on faction i will always do my best! and forever my best. thank you for reading tavons
    Mod applications for faction :)

    #80900 Score: 0


    Vote Down!
    Has been banned for xray before

    #80901 Score: 0

    12 pts

    still i have NEVER been ban fr Xraying i dont know who told you that but who ever it was they lie to you i got ban for bugnig the dshop.

    #80902 Score: 0


    Well you got ban ..dats da reason

    #80906 Score: 0


    Tavon, you’re a good guy but you were banned before…
    If you weren’t banned vote up…
    Right now, it’s a 100% chance for you not to become a Trial Moderator on the faction server. So vote down.


    Peace out, stay safe guys.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Spy.
    #80908 Score: 0


    tbh: i dont play factions, but i might start soon heres my

    A. Tavons attitude is improving :)) ..
    B. soemtimes gets warned or muted .. But recently i have seen he is becoming better and reporting the bad people in Prison..
    C. Bad things are not really friendly .. Not really helpful.. If you become more friendly and helpful to newbies and players it will be 100 percent for me Vote Up.

    Vote: Vote middle.

    Btw u can only reply once a week on your Mod app dont spam the forum.

    #80917 Score: 0


    WHAT!you love factions?lol,rofl,lel,etc.that involves hard laughing

    Vote Down were banned(as stated by you ;))
    2.Not helpful(I never saw you help)
    3.I dont see you in factions,I see you in PRISON 😛

    #80918 Score: 0


    More to Add
    Vote Down
    Banned for bugging shop as you said
    Inactive on Factions
    Attitude is a problem
    Not helpful/Never saw u help
    -After i voted on ur mod app,you came in SV and told me ”i didnt use xray etc” and started talking about ur mod app which i consider as advertising

    Dats All
    -NotAJoker 😡

    #80919 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Agree with Still

    Vote Down

    #80923 Score: 0


    He was banned for: Glitch abuse.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  lol.
    #80925 Score: 0

    Vote down.

    I’m really busy today, so all what I’m gonna is this: whenever you write, you tend to make what I believe to be the biggest run-ons in the face of grammar. Every single post you write makes me imagine you are a California girl talking to somebody. “Omg Tracey look at her butt Omgg he’s so hot omg 9;10;839248210 omg omg.” Those posts you make are always huge rectangles of text full of slang and incomprehensible language. So yeah, nyet grammar

    Oh, and you got banned multiple times.

    And JUST YESTERDAY, you made a topic about how you’re gonna quit. Yeah.

    #80927 Score: 0

    12 pts

    lol that’s why im going to wait for nov thak you guys I see how you feel about me 😛

    #80928 Score: 0

    12 pts

    well im now seeing that its not my time for me to be an mod yet or even ever

    well I give up on my mod goal here I have FAIL!

    #80935 Score: 0


    The ones in the mod teams were ones that took what people said to heart and used it to improve themselves no matter if it was positive nor negative. However you’ve shown here you aren’t that person and with a couple negative reviews you are willing to quit. Not the attitude that will take you far as a moderator.

    Vote Down

    #80938 Score: 0

    12 pts

    lol I did said I was going to quit for some time maybe

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

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