Moderator Application


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This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  alex31298 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #63986 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Hey guys, I’m making a suggestion about the mod application templates, Since people are starting to make up(or copy) templates, I thought “why not make a template?” As you would have realized that the current template is somewhat short and can be answered in a hurry and could be answered with mediocre answers. If you’ve never seen a template here:

    In-game names used:
    Experience: [Do not advertise]
    How Often you are Online:
    Why you want to become mod:


    And here comes my template: [examples]

    In-game names used:[Your MC name],[Alternate MC name]
    Time you registered on the server:[/player whilst ingame]
    Time that you are often online:[From about 11 to 8 my time]
    Are you Multilingual? If so list languages:[Spanish, English, Italian]
    Have you ever been banned on the server?:[Yes I have been banned once for Xraying]
    Have you made a previous Moderator application? If so, state the date:[I have made 2 other mod applications, 18-5-2012 and 13-9-2013]
    Reason for you to be accepted as moderator:


    This is only a suggestion I had in mind, leave a feedback about this template and thanks for reading :)

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  Waveware.
    #63988 Score: 0


    i think it would be a pretty good idea,but leave that to the admins/borncorp

    #63990 Score: 0


    It has a lot of very bias questions on it that really aren’t needed.
    – The longer you have been here doesn’t count toward becoming a mod.
    – Being multilingual isn’t important, tho it can help in some situations: but as I said you aren’t gonna being anymore a candidate because of this trait.
    – Timezones don’t matter. It is more than likely we will see the member when tey are on. And we have members vote on these so that if try see things we don’t, they can tell us.
    – If they have been banned, they can’t apply anyways.
    – And their recent mod app isn’t judged by past failed mod apps.

    #64004 Score: 0

    13 pts

    It does not have to be the longer you are here, I’m sure the recruiter wants to make sure the player have been on the server for at least a month.

    As you would have known that the server isn’t just an English speaking community, If they have a multiligual moderator they could tell them(in their language) to not talk in their language other than English in the main chat. It’s not important though but it could help with the player community.

    If an admin says that he is BARELY online but turns out he’s on a different timezone than him, that would make a BIG difference don’t you think?

    But they’ll make an application if they lie then they know what’s coming at them.

    Some wanna-be-mods make their application before the 1 month is over, just making sure that they don’t make a mod app too early.

    #64010 Score: 0


    I agree with Waveware on the timezone part since they could be the most online people in one timezone. But a person from the way opposite timezone can think they have only been on once.

    #64013 Score: 0


    I agree with pirate because he agreed on Waveware though u may think the time zones dont matter… But they do cus what if majority staff goes online from Europe and noone from Asia and there are also players in asia who need help so it would be better and much more helpful if there are staff from different timezones so its like a shift and there will be helping hand anytime. Also for the time you joined and how long, matters slightly for you can see if he /she has experience with EC

    #64015 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I think the 3 “time” (timezone – firt time – online time) can be combined in one, and the Q that asks if the player is banned can be removed: If they read eveything before making the mod app, someone that has been banned/tagged will not make a mod app (and purely waste his time, I mean). :)

    #64025 Score: 0

    13 pts

    They should also place the template and the requirements for being a mod in one neat forum post so the aspiring-to-be-moderator could see both the template and the requirements. Some people only see the template. So yeah.

    Thanks for all them feedbacks :)

    #64049 Score: 0

    1 pt

    As i used to be a recruiter, I will put my input in;

    Recruiters, mainly use in-game evidence(seeing you helping other etc etc), Mod applications are just there so the recruiter(s) know you are interested in applying, the template is to keep it nice and organised, and find out some stuff that you may not find in-game, i.e names, experience reasons etc.
    You can have the nicest mod app in the server, with loads of experience and and all that stuff, but if you’re rude in-game, and just think that you can get chosen solely on your application and vote up’s, which at the end of the day, just give mods an idea of what the community thinks.
    hope this can help.

    – Alex.

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