Moderator Application


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #20803 Score: 0


    IGN: dionlim

    Age: 11

    Time on server: about 4 months


    I haven’t been a server staff before as I’m probably too young. However, I’m gonna write this anyway as I have been on the server for about 4 months and I’ve got quite a bit of experience. I can also speak for the young kids as I am quite sure they want a change in the server, be it skyblock shops of other things. I am also  a Cyberwellness Ambassador for my school so I know when someone is being offensive and stuff :) Please take your time to consider this application, and even if I don’t get in, I will continue to play on this wonderful server :)

    #20804 Score: 0


    Oh whoops I forgot to use the template 😛

    #20805 Score: 0


    In-Game Name: dionlim
    Prior Experience: None as of yet.
    How Often Are You Online?: About half an hour a day, can go till 3 hours a day.
    Reason As To Why We Should Choose You: I can speak for the kids as I am only 11(maybe too young?) and I feel that I would make a good Moderator
    Tell us a bit about you! (Optional): I am Cyberwellness Ambassador for my school and IT monitor.

    #117878 Score: 0



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