Moderator Application


Home Forums Minigames Minigames Mod Applications [Closed] Moderator Application

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Aidan Nye 9 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
  • Author
  • #109317 Score: 0


    In-Game Name: 42ndsheep

    Experience: I have played a ton of Kit pvp for the past two months, since I learned about the server

    Hours Playing: 2 hours a day

    Why I want to be a Moderator: I have seen so many hackers playing Kit pvp, and it really upsets me, because I hate kill aura, and I despise them with a burning hatred, and I would love for there to be no more hackers

    Promises and Commitments: I will try my very best to discover and eliminate any of the many hackers on this server

    #109324 Score: 0


    Vote: Down

    +Active in-game
    +Followed the mod app

    -New to the forums
    -Does not help in-game
    -Anonymous to the community
    -Spams the main chat at times by saying “hacker”
    -Reason to be a mod can be done by a normal player by reporting in the forums

    Gl with your mod app :)

    ~May the Force Forke be with you!~

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  k_forken.
    #109343 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote Down.

    -New to the forums, don’t be one of those guys who comes on the forums and applys for Mod.
    -Not helpful in game. You made a few reports today and didn’t give no kind of proof of any kind. So that means you’re not helpful.
    -I have never seen you before.
    -From what I hear you spam in game saying ” Hacker ” You you could say nothing and record / report that guy for what he have done.
    -Inactive on the forums.
    -Poor Mod app, Mod app means that you have very low info on yourself and what you’ve been doing in your Minecraft / Eternalcraft days.

    Over all, good luck. :)

    #109352 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote down

    negative:do i know u?
    -poor mod app
    -inactive on forums
    no reports

    good luck btw

    #109376 Score: 0


    Vote Down
    Reason: All the reasons were stated above!

    #110303 Score: 0


    Vote down
    +I am on almost every day i play about 1-5 or 4 hours
    +Followed mod app
    +I am bad a Player Vs Player
    +I am new to forums
    +I lag a lot
    I wanna be mod because I have been mod once and I have been helpful against hackers I join the game and check if they are hacking or not


    #110304 Score: 0


    And also that is not my actual skin


    #110312 Score: 0


    Are voting for this mod app or are you creating your own mod app inside another mod app? :O

    ~May the Force Forke be with you!~

    #114622 Score: 0



    #117794 Score: 0


    Another bump

    #131030 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Declined you can make a new one mod team was a little slack keeping up with the mod apps myself included sorry for that.
    Will be closed.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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