Moderator Application for Factions


Home Forums Factions Mod Applications Moderator Application for Factions


This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #81839 Score: 0


    Ingame Username:Cody

    Experiences:I know every crafting recipes since I have been playing minecraft for a year.I know all the commands for factions.

    How often are you Online?During school days I play on EC for about 2 hours.In Saturday and Sunday I can play 5 hours or more.

    Why should we pick you as a mod?First is I’m not that kind of guy who just wants to be a mod just for fame(that’s what I see from some other mod apps)next is I don’t get mad that easily even if a guy swears on me allot.

    Thanks for the time reading my mod app.


    #81841 Score: 0


    Vote middle
    -not always online
    -not active on forums
    -Not enough experience as a mod
    -never see u reporting

    #81845 Score: 0

    Vote down.

    1. Anonymity on the forums
    2. Not active on the forums
    3. New player
    4. Never see you online, except that one time when I was raiding another faction
    5. Never see you helping
    6. Never see you reporting problems or players
    7. You’re a really silent player
    8. …except when you’re making fun of other players
    9. Really short application
    10. You are supposed to state your experience playing/moderating on ED, other servers, and MC in all
    11. “…How often are you Online?During school days I play on EC for about 2 hours.In Saturday and Sunday I can play 5 hours or more.” Lies m8
    12. Tons of information missing from the application
    13. Tons of irrelevant information written in this thing
    14. Really bad reason
    15. “…I’m not that kind of guy who just wants to be a mod just for fame…” Stating that emphasises the opposite. There’s no reason to bring this up in your application unless you’re hiding something
    16. “…that’s what I see from some other mod apps…” Dude, the last person that said that was Subhan, and I voted down the **** out of his application
    17. “…next is I don’t get mad that easily even if a guy swears on me allot.” That shouldn’t be in your Reason section
    18. Poor application, better luck next time

    #81852 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote DOWN
    “I am online 5 hours a day, and 2 hours on the week” Bull, I never see you on ANY of the servers.

    -Anonymous on forums

    -Not helpful

    -Poooooor mod app

    -You don’t get denied on one server and then just make another app for another server.

    #81863 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    Try harder on dat mod app and Richard’s grocery list says the rest.

    #82311 Score: 0

    14 pts


    Try again in a month


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