Moderator Application – Prison server


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Moderator Application – Prison server

This topic contains 9 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #66465 Score: 0


    In game name – NoodleNoodle

    Experience: None with moderating, plenty with minecraft (both single player and multiplayer)

    How Often you are Online: Everyday, for at least about two hours

    Why you want to become mod: Partly to gain experience, but mainly to make friends and to have fun, I don’t really know how to word it to be completely honest.

    #66470 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    – You can make friends without being a moderator
    – Be more specific in the online part (whats your timezone?)
    – Your mod app can use a lot more detail and it is recommended that you should know some things with moderating
    – If you don’t know how to be honest and want to become a mod that can cause problems
    – And tell us what server you want to be a moderator on (Survival or Prison, do they still allow mod apps for survival?)

    Please don’t make a new and improved mod app after this one you have to wait about 2 months before making a new and better one.

    #66473 Score: 0

    augusto adriano


    #66477 Score: 0


    vote down lol just because…

    #66478 Score: 0


    Vesl, provide a reason

    #66481 Score: 0

    16 pts

    What is kkkkk supposed to mean?

    I got one thing to say for vote down. That reason doe, “friends and fun”. That’s for power, not for helpin :p

    #66491 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote Down.

    So, are me and PirateBooty the only people who are willing to put detail into our reasons? Okay, Then.

    Sorry, but you don’t have a lot of expierence. You lack the abillity to come online for more than two hours and you just want to become a Moderator to gain friends. What about helping people, does that not count towards it to?

    #66497 Score: 0


    Vote down
    Never see you helping people
    Not a good reason why yuh wanna be mod
    No experience

    #66520 Score: 0


    Vote down

    – No experience
    – Never see you on Prison
    – Bad reason “Why you want to be a mod” You can have friends and to have fun with out a rank Moderator

    #67604 Score: 0

    2 pts


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