Moderators not Helping; Money Depleting without Consent


Home Forums Survival General discussion Moderators not Helping; Money Depleting without Consent

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Chibichuba 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #3754 Score: 0


    Dear Server,

    Within the last few days, my money has been depleting, by the “ten-thousands” and I was concerned, since I never used it. I used to have about 40,000-50,000 but now I only have 19,000. I asked the server, in general chat, for a moderator to help me, and though there were a few moderators on… (Like Hobeezy) Not one offered to help. I asked two more times, and still no one would help. These things keep happening, alike I have lost all my diamonds and iron (3 stacks of diamond) and (4 1/2 stacks of iron). This has really put me down to the bottom of all bottoms, and I do not know why. I will be leaving the server if problems are not resolved, because I am tired to this happening all the time. Please help me, or at least make an effort to, because if I am not helped, then what is the use of these “Mods” and “Head-Mods” and “Guardian-Mod’s” if they do not even hint the slightest amount to not helping me.

    #3879 Score: 0


    theasian314, Some mods like hobeezy is vary busy in some affaris for the server, they often do not look at the cat window alot. And the reasons that you possible could be losing you’re money is that the server might have been rolled back a few times or so.I lost 10k one time. Also, mods like Hobeezy(head mod), are mods that are trying to fix or update or even put new plugins in. But if you lost lots of money in your case,than you can ask Hobeezy to fix it.

    #3887 Score: 0


    Asian, we experts don’t have money, at least we cant gain money with a command, ask a head moderator to give you they money. AND about that thing, why do we need mods if they dont help, i do the best of myself
    and i try to help every person i can, its very hard and people should know it. If you dont know something ask me in private, on skype

    My skype name: lac.os.7

    Dont ever say that we dont need mods, in fact if we dont help you that means we are busy, and once again, we mods give the best of us.


    #3890 Score: 0


    As many times I have mentioned, there are several cases of these issues and itis hard to address all of these, due to the plugin crashes. Also, it is unjust to accuse any rank below head moderator, as they cannot compensate anything. Not because they don’t want to, but it is because they don’t have permissions to. Ask any of the capable people: borncorp, xHaRiSx717, Hobeezy, or Caspillo for an attempt to compensate your losses.


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