Mojang changed the EULA


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This topic contains 22 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Hablaman1 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #68097 Score: 0


    @maxminoS: Yeah, for Realms…

    #68203 Score: 0


    Grumm clearly stated that donations are okay, but perks are not.
    ‘Nuff said.

    #72718 Score: 0


    But what about perks for donations?

    Sure you’re “donating”, but you’re also getting something back, but the fact that Born is calling it “donating” might give the server some leeway from the EULA, which is going to be enforced in 6 days (August 1, 2014).

    What Mojang has to say:

    I really don’t think being able to buy in-game items is a good idea, since it creates a pay-to-win situation and a class system between the people that pay for ranks and the people that don’t.

    Hopefully, Mojang’ll skip over our little part of the Minecraft community and pass the ranks as donor gifts.

    #72719 Score: 0

    16 pts

    There’s always loop holes to the EULA. Even if we get sent to the court a few days after the EULA turns into effect, lawyers could probably find some to say “they’re not disobeying the law”. If not, that’s bad news, but as daniel said, “Hopefully, Mojang’ll skip over our little part of the Minecraft community and pass the ranks as donor gifts.”

    #72720 Score: 0


    Guys the page is not there. And if it is, it is not working for me. If i could see it, i m sure i could find some way around it. Like if we donate, we get gifts from the server. Or it can be as if we donate money, we help the server, and receive some random perks (not really) like 1$ for flight, 1.5$ for Armor, and so on. Also this server is a cracked so i dont think they’ll pay attention.

    #72722 Score: 0


    Here is how it will work guys
    1. We are cracked and there is not much they can do to stop us
    2. EULA is irrelevant to us since we are cracked
    To elaborate, EULA is to stop servers from giving out perks. No perks=no donations=no money= shutdown = mojang hosting realms and earning money.

    #72723 Score: 0


    I just wanted to say all this worrying is for nothing. this information is only a blog post, there is still no legal documents meaning nothing will occur.

    In conclusion they are not yet allowed to do anything about it until they provide legal confirmation which they still have not done.

    (they will release the information of whether or not they are going to do it on August 1st)

    #72728 Score: 0

    5 pts

    ^And if Im not wrong Mojang has already told that they will not do it as they first told because of feedback from community. So there should be nothing to worry about.

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