Mojang Sold Minecraft To Microsoft ! (Official)
This topic contains 35 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by Beast 9 years, 10 months ago.
Well,No more seeing Mojang when you open minecraft
I wonder what will happen to minecraft if Microsoft 100% full control of Minecraft hmm…
Hope that nothing turns out bad :L
Well, some of the founders of Mojang/Minecraft have left it.
Other Mojang employees haven’t confirmed whether they’re staying or leaving.
Microsoft paid nearly double of what Minecraft has made Mojang in the good 5 years of it being out.I doubt Microsoft is going to do anything bad with Minecraft… not much, at least.
They should keep the ‘Mojang’ part on the loading screen, in my opinion, at least.Thats BS! Microsoft is CRAP! Omfg gg mc. I might honestly quit now… This is complete crap and completely ruined my day… Microsoft if any of you employees read this! I hope your company crashes and burns! Your trash!!!
I have 2 main worries about this purchase.
1. That judging by Microsoft high-profit business they might (or will) implement Downloadable contents that requires more purchase. They will also make their product Microsoft exclusive, meaning that some are only made for the Windows Phone, or the Xbox One. Perhaps you have to pay for skins each time you change them? or updates that you have to pay to receive? or servers hosted only from their main servers meaning the smallers servers would die? or simply better GUIs, resourcepacks or mods that you have to pay?
2. Since now that Mojang is owned by Microsoft, The mod makers and server makers community could be highly affected by this, meaning that Minecraft could (or will) not be an open source no longer. Basically, no mods anymore, no more Optifine, no more Bukkit/Bukget. Since the Mod makers would have to apply to Microsoft, paying them in money for a “Minecraft Mod Developer Kit” or a “Minecraft Server Developer Kit”. They could also solve the problem also known as cracked servers. They will decimate all the cracked servers out and about.
@Microsoft don’t f%ck up
Next thing you know, we’re in EA’s hands. God have mercy on us…
Lol GG richard
I don’t know what to say :/
I hope minecrosft makes minecraft free
and free premium
#Impossibruuuuuuuuuuim speechless…. this is actually stupid.
i thought they were having a legal battle with bukkit, then microsoft steps in and there like, “well take it from here, heres 2.5BILLION dollars”. like i cant even xD
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
@Banana_ Heehee I doubt it was that simple 😛
Honestly, I don’t think Microsoft won’t dare making bad things to Minecraft. It’s more to have the best places for commercials in the Minecon, that kind of stuff. Remember, a lot of the MC players, cracked and premium, owning Microsoft stuff will just flood the social medias and gaming forums if Microsoft, for example, removes mods from MC. Now, bad news for Apple. Microsoft won’t delete MC for Apple computers, surely not, but maybe some functionnalities will be.. Harder to setup. Or maybe not, you know…
~4 pieces Ringo Starr Ludwig drums, Meinl byzance 22″ ride, 18″ crash and 15″ hi-hats, Vater sticks and DW hardware: let’s just swing it!
Signed: {DD}
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
“Yes, we’re being bought by Microsoft
by Owen on September 15, 2014
Yes, the deal is real. Mojang is being bought by Microsoft.It was reassuring to see how many of your opinions mirrored those of the Mojangstas when we heard the news. Change is scary, and this is a big change for all of us. It’s going to be good though. Everything is going to be OK. <3
Please remember that the future of Minecraft and you – the community – are extremely important to everyone involved. If you take one thing away from this post, let it be that.
We can only share so much information right now, but we’ve decided that being as honest as possible is the best approach. We’re still working a lot of this stuff out. Mega-deals are serious business.
Why did you sell Minecraft?
Minecraft has grown from a simple game to a project of monumental significance. Though we’re massively proud of what Minecraft has become, it was never Notch’s intention for it to get this big.As you might already know, Notch is the creator of Minecraft and the majority shareholder at Mojang. He’s decided that he doesn’t want the responsibility of owning a company of such global significance. Over the past few years he’s made attempts to work on smaller projects, but the pressure of owning Minecraft became too much for him to handle. The only option was to sell Mojang. He’ll continue to do cool stuff though. Don’t worry about that.
There are only a handful of potential buyers with the resources to grow Minecraft on a scale that it deserves. We’ve worked closely with Microsoft since 2012, and have been impressed by their continued dedication to our game and its development. We’re confident that Minecraft will continue to grow in an awesome way.
Minecraft means many different things to millions of people across the world, and to each and every Mojangsta. We feel that this is the best way for everyone – you guys included – to benefit.
What about the other editions of Minecraft? Will they stop being developed?
There’s no reason for the development, sales, and support of the PC/Mac, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Vita, iOS, and Android versions of Minecraft to stop. Of course, Microsoft can’t make decisions for other companies or predict the choices that they might make in the future.We’re extremely proud of all editions and the awesome things you have achieved through playing together.
Is the game going to change? Will we still be able to make videos, mods, awesome builds, and all the cool stuff we’ve created over the past few years?
Minecraft will continue to evolve, just like it has since the start of development. We don’t know specific plans for Minecraft’s future yet, but we do know that everyone involved wants the community to grow and become even more amazing than it’s ever been. Stopping players making cool stuff is not in anyone’s interests.What about the Mojang staff? What’s happening to you guys?
Though it’s too early to confirm which of us will continue working on Minecraft or other projects, we predict that the vast majority (if not all) Mojangstas will continue to work at Mojang for the time being.The founders: Notch, Carl, and Jakob are leaving. We don’t know what they’re planning. It won’t be Minecraft-related but it will probably be cool.
What’s happening to the other Mojang projects, like Scrolls?
We don’t know yet. We’ll share any news as soon as we do.Will you still be able to tweet about features and interact with the community on a personal level, just like you’ve done over the years?
Yes! That’s not going to change.How much money was the company bought for?
Microsoft acquired Mojang for a smooth 2.5 BILLION dollars.Thanks for reading everybody.”
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
lol. Reason: Fixed problem
not cool
Knowing microsoft, expect to get have to pay for minecraft monthly rather than forever. But, they might change Minecraft’s code from java to C++ which will make Mineraft have less lag than it already has. The downfall to that will be that they have to make Minecraft for Mac, Windows and Linux all separate meaning that versions might take longer to come.
But if you guys don’t know Notch is leaving mojang and the reason of that is because he doesn’t want to be part of something big, he just wants to be that nerdy computer programmer not the CEO of a company.
Note to Jaanasher: If you’re going to put a statement that’s not yours make sure you add quotations for it can be considered as plagiarizing which is illegal.
Well as it stands i think if Microsoft wants to make the most out of their new product, they will most likely leave it for a one time purchase. Cause if they require monthly payments then 1. Thats gonna be hella hard to do on pc cause people will just hax. and 2. Its just not gonna happen cause itll drive away so many people. So for now everyone just needs to stop making rumors and wait and see what happens.
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
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