Mongus appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Mongus appeal

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #61055 Score: 0


    Hello guys im back, but before I start my appeal i’ll vow to do good deeds. Well apparently I have been jerking off being a scum bag. In months I have finally realize my mistakes and i will b willing to be given a second chance.
    In-game name : Mongus
    Why you have been banned : Requested banned
    Where you are banned : Survival
    Who banned you:Skills
    Why you should be unbanned: Well I wanted to be banned so that I culd pay more attention to my real life but its sorta sad when I have nothing to do during free times So I will do this appeal and hope to be unbanned.

    #61056 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Awww! I have a bit of sad news. :c
    I have seen a couple being banned for request, although I never seen them being unbanned. This is usually something that is up for dem headmods to decide it weather you gonna get unbanned or not. But yeah, it was a bit of a silly idea to request a ban to stay with your family. Everyone does nothing except leaving the server, without requesting bans. Besides, that time you advertised on the forums, I feel like it gives you fewer chances of getting unbanned. But like I already said, it’s up to the headmods to decided.
    Oh well, let’s just hope they accept it. 😀

    #61057 Score: 0


    Alright, although I really hope I could get unbanned today

    #61058 Score: 0



    You where bypassing it.

    #61068 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Unbanned, you requested a ban

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