More arrows for archer in mob arena


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  christhewhelk 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #3367 Score: 0


    is there anyway that we can get more arrows in the mob arena for archer? Currently we only have 64 arrows which will run out in the first 10 rounds if you are being a good archer. Then the class archer is rendered pointless because the armor sucks and you have a wooden sword which deals very little damage. This renders the archer class useless when it could be something good.

    #3386 Score: 0


    Totally agree. We should be able to have like 3-4 stacks of arrows at least.

    #3392 Score: 0


    yeah i agree more arrows would help because you could gpo farther.


    #3423 Score: 0


    Better yet an infinity I enchanted bow, and one arrow

    #3427 Score: 0


    The arrows are limited so that people don’t spam the arrows. Its part of the challenge.

    I personally agree with an enchanted bow though.

    #3479 Score: 0


    good archers won’t spam the arrows, they will get kills with them though. Right now you have to save your arrows yet you won’t get many kills/defend yourself if you save your arrows as you are in a mob arena.

    #3499 Score: 0


    Well, all the swords have infinite use so I don’t see how it’s unbalanced. Spamming arrows (by that, i mean jsut charging for half a second then releasing) only does 2 1/2 hearts damage.

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