More Commands Needed


Home Forums Survival General discussion More Commands Needed

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  ZznabelaA 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #68944 Score: 0


    Hi guys Saboor here. I was wondering that there are some commands which allow other people on your plots, namely friends. So I was wondering that it would be better to introduce more commands which allow individuals to use your plots, like /plot set perm build <name> on/off.

    #68953 Score: 0


    i dont feel its needed because you can just add him as your friend and do /plot set perm build on/off etc

    #68955 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Basically, it’s the same thing. With /plot set perm friend on, you can allow all your friends (that you’re supposed to trust, if they’re friends 😛 ) to build on your plot. 😉

    ~Dope Dave {DD}

    #68975 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Yeah, and if you don’t want to have them in your plot, you can remove them as your friend with /res friend remove (name)


    #68999 Score: 0


    No, what I mean is that there is a guy I don’t trust, but he is a great builder. I want to allow him on my plot, without adding friend. Also there should be a command to protect town farms like /plot set perm switch residents on.

    #69002 Score: 0

    16 pts


    1. There is a command with the exact same thing “/plot set perm resident switch on”
    2. You can add him as a friend then remove it.
    3. If you have friend perms on other plots, like /plot set perm friend on, then you just gotta watch him.

    #78200 Score: 0


    sir baseball please help me to unbanned my ip address :(


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  101dog.
    #78204 Score: 0


    @101dog pls don’t spam other topics in order for you to get unbanned. I think you made a ban appeal (if not make one), just be patient, what you do lowers your chances of getting unbanned.

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