More items to sell on /sell hand ?


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion More items to sell on /sell hand ?

This topic contains 13 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #16708 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Hey Guys , Gals and Warewolfs out there.

    Do you know we can only sell melons ,sugar ,etc. Why don’t you add gold to the subject ?
    Gold doesn’t have many use other than from rail building to, protecting yourself from does nasties that creeps the night. It’s useless, it offers low protection
    why not sell it with /sell hand ?
    We can’t tell everybody we’re selling gold. No one would have bought it so why not sell them by /sell hand ?

    This is just an opinion it doesn’t have to happen. Other than that, Thank you for your breif time.
    Wave,House of Ware

    #16710 Score: 0


    I dont think we can actually add sellable items, its just part of the plugin. I know the plugin badly needs an update but i dont think its just ec that hasnt updated, i think its the plugin itself that hasnt been updated. I mean we cant even sell carrots or potatoes and there farm items. however i will ask born about this


    #16719 Score: 0


    It’s  actually possible! Someone with the permissions can do /setworth.


    #16723 Score: 0


    Completely possible. There’s a worth.yml file in the essentials config folder, where the worth of any item can be changed automagically. And what do you mean Essentials badly needs an update?


    Anyway, I think /sell should be restricted to growable/renewable items, such as cacti, melon/pumpkin/wheat seeds, gold nuggets, rotten flesh, etc.

    #16745 Score: 0


    i agree, i would want to add carrots and potatoes into that list. i have 10 stacks of potatoes, 12 stacks of carrots, but i can’t clear them out. i also have 25×16 eggs. head mods, pls consider this into the list.

    #16920 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Pigs, I have seen other servers,they can sell all ores and heads. The essentials plugin /sell hand command can add other stuffs and all. I think it might be possible. Golds aren’t useful anyways.

    #18703 Score: 0


    In other server. You can buy and sell items. Why can’t you add a place where you can sell things.

    #18704 Score: 0

    3 pts

    it’s called a SCS, it’s a stand for donors that allows you to sell an item to people. Besides that, you sell it by hand to players

    #18706 Score: 0


    it would be nice to be able to sell more items, however some people do want gold. in addition, gold is fairly rare and therefor would be worth a lot, but if you know how, you can make a gold farm, which can provide you with a lot of gold with little effort, which i am actually planing to do. one last pint, if you have excess gold ingots, craft them into gold blocks and make enchanted apples, which give 30 seconds of regeneration, and 5 minutes of both fire resistance and normal resistance, making them extremely useful when in a dangerous situation.

    #18708 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Gold Farm, really Gold farm. Nice try


    #18718 Score: 0


    wither, it is possible, zombie pigman drop gold ingots and nuggets. if you build a spawn platform, you can isolate the pigmen, and kill them without getting hit. it is really quite simple.

    #18719 Score: 0

    14 pts

    idk what do u mean gold farm then lol

    #18721 Score: 0


    you kill a bunch of pigmen, and then get a bunch of gold, but this is getting away from the main topic, so i wont go into any more detail

    #18722 Score: 0

    14 pts

    ohhhh okay, i get it what so ever i just go with the deal and agree that there should be more things added with the /sell hand command and i do agree that essentials have that.

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