Restarts kinda bug MA….Besides the glitched obsidian,people that were in MA sometimes bug out and don’t exit the arena,but the plugin thinks they aren’t there,so basically sometimes on random restarts,people that were in MA will lose the items of the class they were using and stay in the arena until they die or do /spawn (or another kind of teleportation) and i think people that glitched in MA can use commands like /tpaccept or /tpahere. It happened to me before,and here’s some screenshots: (as you can see,i’m the only one playing at ma,but i believe mizo bugged out and benz tped to him. Weird glitches :P)

I believe mizo bugged out and benz tped to him. Weird glitches 😛
Also,in MA Boss,if you try to spectate, the 2nd fall will kill you,even though you should not take fall damage. Screenshots are almost impossible to get because

This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by
Antares6. Reason: Picture fail again D:
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