Most Loved Town


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This topic contains 28 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  Chinoe 10 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)
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  • #27951 Score: 0


    i like LaRougueLand!!!!!

    #27953 Score: 0


    I honestly like larogueland its a peacful town where you find friends and buildings the people help each other and we could own more than 1 plot the people are cool and good they are peacful and helpful they could help you anytime you want i also like rogue_art he is a good owner he is a genius if you need a town there is always a friend called larogueland and Peace am out

    #27962 Score: 0

    16 pts

    So… I just read what dantheracer said… and I realized my vote didn’t sound that valid.. and this is my one that kinda follows the rules… So I vote for LaRogueLand, because of all the hardwork we’ve been through, we have started many days and weeks ago… with many purposes and to be the best town that everyone can enjoy, and we’ve had great successes and we’ve made lots of friends from this town… so I vote for LaRogueLand

    #27967 Score: 0


    Dude I Vote for ——–>”LaRogueLand”<——– Town <3 Maybe one of the best town in the server , in my opinion cause the towns ive seen to me they are low profile , since i played on the server , i always have good luck πŸ˜€ IDK why but i always get the bad ass town , even though sometimes people ignore but im just mining my own bussines πŸ˜€ , well the town has to get bigger and stronger and ima try my best to make it happend πŸ˜€ even though i cant xD , viva-LaRogueLand !! town

    #27972 Score: 0


    ipodnick’s, chinoe’s, fluffyfan’s votes DO NOT COUNT
    I clearly said that you must give a valid reason for the vote to count

    #27973 Score: 0


    ok, LaRogueland is leading. You have all the way to August 15th to vote

    #27974 Score: 0


    The main reason i love LaRogueLand is because that is my town where all my
    freindsnare there so thats y i like LaRogueLand

    #27975 Score: 0


    I vote for brotherhoodofwar it had a lot of warps/shops friendly assistants and alot of the people are active it’s. a good community xD

    #27976 Score: 0


    My favorite town would probably be AeternusUrbis for a couple of reasons. First, it has a huge resident melon farm that produces a crap load of melons every use. Second, it has a public Iron Farm that so far, the best I’ve seen yet. Third, we have plenty of plots, and residents are allowed up to 2 plots if they have a legit reason on why they want it. Fourth, the Staff of the town know what it’s like to be in a town, and know how the residents want to be treated, and (for the most part :3) treat them with respect and kindness. And every now-and-then, we have a ./t toggle pvp session and we all run around killing each other for fun…..and maybe to let off a little steam πŸ˜€

    #27977 Score: 0


    ok, thanks for your votes everyone!

    #27978 Score: 0


    I vote for LaRogueLand! Because that town have many place, like Spawner, a huge melons farm which is for Public! Also, mineshaft, nicely place blocks and more! Which is like /ma join , its really awesome though! Assistants and Mayors are kind, helpful and all good deeds! They lovesssss to help residents not only residents, even others who is not in LaRogueLand!

    #63860 Score: 0


    I vote for EternalLand cause…

    #63861 Score: 0


    #DiggingOldTopics eh?
    If I could, I would vote my own town πŸ˜‰

    #63862 Score: 0


    Lol yeh digging old topics πŸ˜€

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)

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