Mukul2345 Wrongly Banned!
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This topic contains 28 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by _Banana2 12 years, 7 months ago.
Hey boncorp idk why i got banned apparently i got banned for x-ray and luring!
I can understand the luring thing but when i was playing this guy tped to me to see my exp farm and it was in the wildy he kept hitting me till i was at half a heart and he almost killed me so i killed him and then i got accused to lure!
X-Ray! I dont xray becasue my cousin EddieN1 uses nodus and he showd me to the diamonds and i got banned because i mined htem when most were given to him But they also banned me because my stone to diamond ratio was bad well i didnt need to mine much stone because i tped to my cousin!
Please Unban Me thanks Boncorp!
OH by the way boncorp i forgot to say that my little brother is 8 and he plays minecraft on the server as well (aman) and he was crying beacuse i got banned and he couldnt go on as well! Shaman knows as well thx!
EddieN1 banned too
Mukul, there is a reason you were banned. You should know that if someone uses Nodus, you shouldn’t be tagging along with them, instead, you should be reporting that to us (the mods), even if the person is your cousin. What is wrong is wrong. You should know that x-raying is wrong, even if you aren’t the one with the actual x-ray. Also, about the luring goes, I know for a FACT that your story is not true. I was there when this happened, and I also took a screenshot of more than 1 person, accusing you of luring. As far as I know, you don’t really have a right to be unbanned.
who that was the only person i had a probem with like that cause usually i dont let people tp to me unless they have a reason!
And i attualy told EddieN1 to get rid of nodus a bunch of times but he did not because he likes that hacks and uses them for PvP i myself dont have nodus or x-ray because i think it ruins the fun of mc.
So i think i should be unbanned and for the sake of my little brother to!And everyone deserves a second chance!
Lol Mukul2345, nearly every person who has been banned says that.
idk bout others
The problem is when people think that getting a second chance is their right, so they want to take advantage of it by screwing things up. Unfortunately it happens to be that I dont sympathize with them
but i dont and i got no warning about anything either!
boncorp can u reply fast please!
Boncorp please unban me too my brother is still mad at mee and Eternal Cracked is his fav server plz unban us!
Seriously. You shouldn’t tag along with people if they have hacks on. Mods don’t know for a fact that you deserve a second chance. Everyone says that when they’re banned. But like born said, its another chance to start screwing things up.
Hm. I suggest born unbanning his brother. But keep mukal banned. He needs to learn his lesson.
i still dont mind banning me but atleast my brother should be unbanned!
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