Mute Request


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  ChillzKillz99 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #68447 Score: 0


    Hi guys. This is my first post on the forums so please forgive any mistake and notify me so that i can correct it. Actually there are some people i would like to request to be muted. They have been using offensive language. The lower picture has been posted kind of late but better late than never.

    In this picture the Trial Mod GodPorxy is using abusive language in the 16th line from the top. And this picture was taken on Monday, 9th June 2014.

    Yeah i know this picture is late but as I said Earlier better late than never. This guy got banned before on “Change your name please” by Xavier3479, I think. He was also using X-ray mod, which made him collect a stack of diamonds in just one day.

    #68448 Score: 0


    P.s my in-game username is SaboorAhmad99

    #68449 Score: 0


    The Pic is not working, at least for me. Can you resend the link?
    Also don’t put ” [IMG] ” because that is the problem.

    ~MiniGames Trial-Mod Yaseen20 😛

    #68452 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Here’s the link:

    Y U so lazy to copy and paste? XD

    Anyways, our rule states that as long as it doesn’t insult another player, it is fine.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  maxminoS.
    #68454 Score: 0

    Y U so lazy to see both pictures? XD

    #68455 Score: 0


    [IMG] is BBCode. It’s HTML here, dude.

    #68456 Score: 0

    1 pt

    For your first report about God Proxy, this is allowed. A word like this could be used, but not all the time. It is allowed that a member or donor or mod to use a word such as “dafuq” or “wtf.”
    For your second report… we will deal with that. ._.
    But can you please prove in any way that Mr. Flappy uses x-ray? Without proof, no action will be taken. And it is easy to get a stack of diamond in one day by simply buying them from one of the shops.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  TheHighOreo.
    #68900 Score: 0


    Ok thanks for your post. I don’t have any proof about that. He just told me and I forgot to take a snap. Anyway thanks for your time.

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