my ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal my ban appeal

This topic contains 43 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Beretta3 10 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 14 posts - 31 through 44 (of 44 total)
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  • #86798 Score: 0


    Well I as a Police knows that and as a Police the evidence is shown to all affected parties. And btw can we just get a headmod and write the final verdict… This is getting ridiculously long and draggy

    #86799 Score: 0


    Oops my phone glitched out

    #86804 Score: 0


    Melee49,you just a 15 kid ._.

    #86806 Score: 0


    Excuse me, National Police Cadet Corps (a Police-related CCA) is my CCA. I have literally learnt most of their stuffs…

    #86810 Score: 0


    Plus a 15-year-old isnt a kid…

    #86812 Score: 0


    It’s not about age though. There’s 1 part of our education system that teaches us how to handle this kind of banning situation with given evidences. Hence we will have a certain level of advantage when coming to this.

    #86816 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Melee, the thing is, that’s Police.
    Mods aren’t Police, we’re mods.
    And yes, the victim of this ban could probably get this closed, and retry at a later date.

    #87991 Score: 0


    Bumping at Kokusai-Doori Street along Makashi Station.

    #87995 Score: 0


    “Melee49,you just a 15 kid ._.”
    Some people do know more for their age of course not everything.

    But daaamn this is long. Isnt it rock’s first ban or something? Anyway, i hope that the survival mods can give a 2nd chance. Anyway Good luck rock(something)

    As for banning wise, mods cannot be 100% confirmed that someone uses hacks or anything. It is actually impossible even if u send the mc folder or open it up or whatever because u can always have copies in ur pc or whatever ways to hide it. I never downloaded mods so i have no idea about removing mods or texture packs or whatever will be possible while the game is running. Mods are players not prosecutors, even video proofs are arguable but mods definitely try to be extremely sure after multiple situations/cases before proceedin with whatever actions

    Btw i rarely mine unless in quest/prison world cause i really got no choice but i honestly suck at mining(Strip mining/random Mining) big time even if i mine at the y=12/13 i get like 20 iron ore after 30mins of mining or something. So if i find 2 veins of diamonds im scared someone might think i xray ><.

    #88193 Score: 0

    1 pt

    This topic has seemed to be going forever and I think (not being a mod or arguing or telling off a mod) shouldn’t there be a final verdict already?

    Ps: it’s rockstorms first offence isn’t it


    #88926 Score: 0


    Bumping at 2.02am

    #88927 Score: 0

    20 pts


    #89644 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Bump? This topic has been going forever

    #89647 Score: 0


    Why is everyone fighting for him when he hasn’t replied to his own topic in quite a while…

    And I agree with mega.

    Rest of you shaddup until the player who is banned decides to speak.

Viewing 14 posts - 31 through 44 (of 44 total)

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