My Ban Appeal >>> Factions


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal My Ban Appeal >>> Factions

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #114193 Score: 0


    In Game Name: AmericanSniper2
    WHO Banned You: maxminoS
    Why Were You Banned: “For Hacking Another Player’s Account
    Why Should I Be Unbaned: Because. I Didnt hack his Account Because i had his Password And he did allow me to join sometimes, he changed it now, but he allowed me, he said no because he were angry. And i really didnt hack he’s account. I promise.

    #114198 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’m not sure why you still can’t absorb it into your brain. LOGGING IN WITHOUT SOMEONES PERMISSION IS NOT ALLOWED AND CONSIDERED HACKING. I swear, we get it, we get that he gave you his password and allowed you to join, but the keyword is, he allowed you to join SOMETIMES. LAMB said, at the time of the happening, that he DID NOT allow you to enter his account at that time. MAKE SENSE YET?

    I’m not against you making a ban appeal, BUT GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT.

    #114206 Score: 0


    roy will you continue thinking im hacking? well you may, cause u are mad at me lol, but idc what you say, i care about the appeal now… i know you asked him and he said he didnt allow me, but i know better cause he’s my brother, “maybe”?

    #114207 Score: 0

    7 pts


    – Attempts on saying that I am abusing my powers by banning you.
    – Has been banned before for X-Ray.
    – Has been immature on this ban, and does not realise that he made a mistake.

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