My Builder Application


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This topic contains 23 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  manolodetona 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #131232 Score: 0


    In-Game Name (mention your alts as well):manolodetona,wersty,manoloster37.
    Experience (all your experiences in EC, Prison Server, and moderating, do not advertise any server IPs!):
    How long are you online daily (Average Time in hours):2-3 hours a day depending if i have work at my house.
    What type of builds do you do? (Medieval, modern, etc):My Ambition on minecraft is biulder i will try to biuld what do you want to biuld what ever you ask
    Why do you want to be a Builder (Your motivation and what makes you special so we should accept you):i want to biuld My motivation to all player can make a happy happpy
    Your Promise and Commitment (if you’re accepted, what do you promise us):i promise to any hard what do you want to biuld it will make it done.

    #131233 Score: 0


    How about some screenshots of your buildings?

    #131234 Score: 0


    i have screen shot but on my Phone MCPE because my PC computer is crash report idk how to fix it

    this is my screen shot:

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    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by  manolodetona.
    #131248 Score: 0


    That is what I call a build my friend. (insert thumbs up here)

    #131249 Score: 0


    Nice Buildings :)

    #131287 Score: 0


    My questions for you:
    How old are you?
    Could you post a set of pictures about things you built?

    By the way nice build, and don’t forget, it’s a BUILD, not BIULD 😉

    #131593 Score: 0


    Im 16 years old

    #131600 Score: 0


    you didn’t post anything under experience.

    #131622 Score: 0


    I checked out your builds (you can click on the image) and I wouldn’t say you build that great, at least, all of your uploaded builds are octagons with some decorated flooring and plain walls. There’s a castle, which is nice, but it’s out of diamond and iron or quartz. What I’m saying, is that there’s no creativity in your builds. Your best one is the last one in the album, the rounded square shaped one, it looks nice, but it’s small, undecorated on the inside, and just straight up flat. If you want to use it as an arena (And by the looks of it you do), then put something interesting in it, like an obstacle, or something that gives players an advantege.

    #131627 Score: 0


    To gorbit99:
    You have no right to ask him for personal information like age since you are not even the builder recruiter.Instead,you are acting like one.I find his builds rather okay and anyone can make a grammar mistake by writing biuld instead of build 😉 .Those builds are not to be used in the server but they are to show his building capabilities.So your opinions about the arena to be small makes no sense.Oh wait,you were telling mano that it’s build but not biuld right?Check your grammar first,It’s advantage ,not advantege.You are more likely to “attack” mano

    To mano:
    Your build are nice and I find them rather creative (PS:Building on phone is harder than on PC,I believe so).But if possible,show us your builds on your PC as well.

    Off Topic to mano:
    If you just installed optifine,that could be the source of the crash,try using the normal minecraft or else download another launcher.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by  Trevish.
    #131629 Score: 0


    It’s considered rude to ask people for age…

    #131634 Score: 0

    10 pts

    lets see you make something gortbit99, instead of attacking people.
    P.S Great builds bro, ur builds look great plus its done on a Device which i believe is even more harder.

    #131637 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ I agree with the above.

    Mano, I’ll personally say, your builds are amazing, I hope you’re accepted.

    #131639 Score: 0


    1 & 3 have a basic shape, plain and simple design, and don’t look that difficult.
    2 looks silly, consisting of mainly diamond.
    4 looks plain as well, but the walls look alright.

    building on mobile doesn’t seem hard at all, could even theoretically compare it to desktop version, since there’s tapping, and the d-pad.
    also, incase anyone tells me to build something better; nah lmao I’ve already built stuff for mc, not building much more

    #131651 Score: 0


    i will try to build a castle in EC Creative server…..

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by  manolodetona.
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)

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