My Horses Keep Despawning/Glitching


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report My Horses Keep Despawning/Glitching

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Omega 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #26205 Score: 0


    I am MattDude85 and I had 3 horses. One with diamond armor and the name Jack Jumpy(XD). So what happened was I would be in my house, crafting something and when I look at my horses, 2 were gone. Then I got another horse, breeded it with my remaining horse and I got more horses. Then, I look away for one second and THERE ALL GONE :( . I was pissed. I asked the mods and they said they “despawned”, even though I don’t know why they would despawn when I am beside them. This made me mad. I hope moderators see this. Please, someone fix this.

    – MattDude85 :(

    #26206 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Did you have other animals on that plot? There’s a max of 32 animals per plot if i recall correctly.

    #26207 Score: 0


    Another thing, did you have saddles, horses can randomly despawn if there are no saddles. Although I doubt that that happened, it is a possibility none the less.

    #26214 Score: 0

    1 pt

    And there might need to be people around you to keep the horse spawned.

    #26227 Score: 0


    Or where your horses killed,My horse got killed by a random invisble guy last week…

    #26228 Score: 0

    1 pt

    As ADCK 32 animals but it is per chunk witch is a bit bigger than a plot. Also try having them tied up if you can thats stopped mine from de-spawning.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  jttt3.
    #26234 Score: 0


    No ADCKnight, I only had 4 horses, thats it! Fluffyflan, I had saddles in ALL horses. Allbaseball77, I was in the chunk when they all despawned. Woggy_Moggs, my horses can’t be killed by other poeple because they had a saddle and it is identified as mine because the new plugin. Jtt3. There is an issue with leads. They can break. It was SUPPOSED to be fixed in 1.6, then in 1.6.2, they can break. I still use them, but that doesn’t help.

    #26236 Score: 0


    Hello there,
    Let me first clear a few things:
    ADCK the max animals for a plot is 70 not 35.
    Woggy_moggs Than that didnt happen on our server as due the plugin horses cant be attacked / killed. Only by the owner.

    Just wondering but did you conect a lead from the horse to a fence or something when your done riding it ?

    #26240 Score: 0


    MY horse died before the plugin was installed :(

    #26241 Score: 0


    Or maybe ran away…I dont know…

    #26280 Score: 0


    The issue of horses disappearing has now thankfully been solved, and we have fixed the plugin that kept leading to these horses disappearing.
    We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you for reporting the disappearances.

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