My name is syth22.
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This topic contains 27 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by bummer 9 years, 11 months ago.
I have a few things to say today to some people, so buckle your seatbelts ladies and gentlefish.
-BananaKing105: I was a complete asshat to you. Im sorry. I feel like total crap because you really kind of introduced me to prison and showed me the ropes and helped me on a countless amount of occasions, and I deserver being permanently muted in prison for mouthing off to you. Really I just want to hear that you forgive me and there really wont be any hard feelings from this point on. Im not requesting unmute, im making this to set things straight with EternalCraft.
-WitherPlayMC: Wither, I can call you my brother, but lately I feel as if I’ve been giving you the sour part of the deal. I have a really bad habit with being a rebellious asshole and I feel like I really gave some of it to you, and I regret it. You’re a really great headmod and at times a really great friend. And im here today to say sorry.
-To Xavier and Trollson: Oh this ones gonna hurt. Xavier you were the main moderator I looked up to at times, you weren’t a silly, loose moderator. You moderate with an iron fist, and I really admired you for it. Trollson are everybodies friend and helper, especially on Prison. Now with all my childish acts I feel as if both of you see me as a fool and I feel so damn bad. To Xavier and Trollson, I sincerely apologize.
-To EternalCraft: This is the ONLY Minecraft server in my servers list, ive been here since early 2013 and I have made a total ass of myself this past year. EternalCraft, please forgive me. Im going to start again, but not as the syth22 all of you know, but syth22 the one that people can look at and say “You know, that’s the attitude that I like to see”.At the end of this i’d like some feedback on what I USED to be, the negative and positive, and also what everyone would like to see out of me in the future, anything at all. Thank you EternalCraft
“Only those who try, ever succeed. Those who don’t, only they will fail.”
Good luck on trying to get a new personality 😀
good luck syth on getting a new personality
Wow didn’t apologize to me, she harassed me nonstop last week and the week before…
AnderZENZ, just know that I’ll be working hard to make it up to you.
Syth I dont hate you…if your talking about those warns I gave youit wasnt my hate for you…it was my job..
I will appreciate it if you stop though Syth, it’s never too late to change your image. I went from one of the most-warned players to getting like 3 warns in 4 months, it’s perfectly possible and easy, good luck Syth.
My name is Monster
I am groot
Nice to see you have change
If anything you owe an apology to multiple moderators and members on the server, not just the ones listed. You’re horrendous to deal with and even me as a member, watching you on the server is just damn terrible and I hate not telling you to stop multiple times when you were just being a downright sod. I’ve never in the life of me met someone so immature. If you are really going to change, then you better step up your game because I’m not buying this at all. You really need a lot of work to make yourself a better person because you’ve harassed way too many people -_-
I still remember the time u started making fun of my religion and u were not stopping. If u had a bad attitude towards me, then forgiven but u insulted my religion and I don’t think u can ever clean this mess of yours.
@SinnersTestament k
Well I don’t have to say anything but they have ^
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