my presentation! (Malvina826)


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This topic contains 12 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Trevish 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #122205 Score: 0


    Hello everyone!
    Attention: as i’m Not knowing where to make my presentacion, I decided to do it here because it seemed the most appropriate place… well … let’s start! 😀

    my name in real life is Malvina Quaranta, I’m 15 years old, (turned fifteen last week)… I live in the United States, New Jersey and I live with my dad, my mom and my brothers (three women and one man, haha)… in my house I haven’t computer for a matter of lack of money :( , but my uncle has a cyber caffe and I can play for free at this! :) … I see many people playing minecraft (in cyber caffe of my uncle) and i see three or four people who play here on this server (I met this server through one person that he play on here)… Well… I play minecraft about two years and I like play the computer games even though I am woman… I have a boyfriend, I’m a nice person and I am friendly… I don’t like to organize fights, I like to help and always I try to help in any way that I can :)! I don’t know more to tell xD, haha… I like all types of music less rock xd… My native language is Spanish but i also i speak good english or so I think… I hate having misspelling to write… I’m also concurring to school… I can connect a daily three or more hours on weekdays and the weekends seven or more hours…
    If someone you want to chat with me You can add me to skype and without any problems we talk! My skype is: Malvina8261

    Bye guys and have a nice day! 😀 <3

    #122206 Score: 0


    Good game ( sorry for my English)

    #122223 Score: 0

    3 pts

    With that joyful and respectful attitude, you’ll always be welcome to the forums and EC, Malvina :) Honestly your English is very good and anyway easily understandable.
    Cool, an EC clan in a cyber café (or.. is it how you spell it? O-O ); do you sometimes play together or you’re always each one in a side?

    Again, welcome to the forums! 😀

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    #122224 Score: 0


    well i got banned soo..

    #122234 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    I am Aidan,
    Aidan i am,
    I do not like green eggs and ham.
    The end XD

    #122235 Score: 0


    Aidan nye the science guy

    #122237 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ I accidentally said that last year when we were watching Bill Nye The Science Guy.. XD


    +Reports (sometimes invalid though)
    +Active in game
    +Active in forums

    -New to server
    -New to forums
    -Not a very well-known player

    #122242 Score: 0


    It’s not a mod app @Anderzenz

    #122245 Score: 0


    Its not mod application, but Malvina you seems eligible to be mod one day, so I look forward to it :)

    #122246 Score: 0

    2 pts

    @AnderZENZ I thought it was a mod app when I read the top XD but then I read the rest.

    #122247 Score: 0

    1 pt

    From what i see observing you from forums alone, you seem to fit well as a mod :) idk how you do ingame but i think you got potential to be a good mod

    #122249 Score: 0

    41 pts

    All I know of you so far is you seem really nice.

    #122250 Score: 0


    Try to improve your english a lil bit
    Most of the time i think that you just translate
    You got an X-Factor to be mod btw

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by  Trevish.
Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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