My suggestions for factions.


Home Forums Factions General Discussion My suggestions for factions.

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  igra2002 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #68108 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Idle timeout – I was AFK for around 20 minutes at the spider spawner near my faction, mowing the lawn (IRL) for my mum, and when I got back, I was expecting to be kicked for idling… but nope

    NO McMMO – It seems like a nice addition, and it’s pretty typical for Faction servers to have McMMO, but I wouldn’t want people getting hell rich from placing/breaking 1 sugar cane block next to water with the Farmer job… (Not to mention the already implemented ‘/sell’ command)

    Donations – Now, this is obvious, as well as it most likely being worked on/added already.

    More ‘/kits’ – Some kit suggestions:
    /kit miner – Gives Iron Pickaxe, 16 Bread, 64 torches. – Cooldown: 1 day/24 hours
    /kit daily & /kit weekly – Maybe some upgrades on the gear.
    /kit tools – All stone tools, 20 Torches, 5 Bread. – Cooldown: 6 hours
    /kit farmer – 64 seeds, 1 Iron Hoe, 1 Water Bucket, 8 Melon Seeds, 8 Pumpkin Seeds. – Cooldown: 1 day/24 hours
    /kit pvp – 1 Iron Sword, Pro1 Leather Armor Set. – Cooldown: 2 days/48 hours
    /kit god – Costs $20k but gives full diamond armor ($850 per diamond in spawn shop) – Cooldown: 0 days/0 hours – as long as people have money, they can do this.

    XP Bottles – Bottle of Enchanting’s at the spawn shop – $1200 maybe (To be discussed by the moderators if added)

    These are just suggestions

    This can be replied to with your opinions/suggestions

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  megaseth. Reason: XP Bottles
    #68111 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Thank You for the Suggestions! All will be Considered. Keep em comin

    #68120 Score: 0


    Nice suggestions!Great job thinking about it. But the kits are a bit extreme for a non-donator though.

    #68130 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Mcmmo might be added if there are is a huge amount of people wanting this plugin. WE are currently working on it.

    WE will definitely add more kits.

    And for donations: that will come in the future. WE are busy working on other stuff atm.

    #68133 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Adrenaline, I know the kits are a bit much, but they’re just suggestions 😛 they’d be fiddled with obviously, and as long as my suggestions helped, then I’d be fine with that xD

    #68140 Score: 0


    Yep ok noted.

    #68149 Score: 0


    I like the idea with kits. I’ve never seen a kit where it takes your money, I’d like that to be implemented 😀

    #68152 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I think ALL the kits should use money. I could just start in the prison server, go and do /kit farmer, and bam, I got myself a good ol’ piston farm. And den I do /kit pickaxe, bam, I get all the items to make amazing things, so yeh, I think they should be toned a little. I mean spawn shop would have things that’d be expensive that could be for free.

    #70159 Score: 0

    1 pt

    thx for adding /kit weekly and /kit daily wow and good job for those suggestions

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