My suggestions for Prison!! :D
Tagged: Improvements
This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by 15spike 10 years, 2 months ago.
As the title above states, I have a few more ideas that we could have for DONOR’S in Prison… Following below are my suggestions/ideas:
1)Donor’s can request an Admin+ (Whoever has access to /hd) to create a hologram advertising that donor’s shop. [So for example, I’m a new player who just joined the server, I know how prison works, so I walk towards “D” from spawn, on the way whilst passing the Christmas tree, then I see some holodisplays to my left and right alternatively or simply just side by side, the array of holodisplays ends as I arrive at my destination, after gathering a decent amount of resources (be it wood or ores), I remember seeing a holodisplay saying that ‘shop72’ is buying ores for $xxxx, so I feel like it’s a good price and I wanna sell my items to that shop… I go back to the holodisplay and take a good look at it, after the viewing the details, I decide to sell my things, and later on, I am content with my pay…] If the staff do it right, this addition could further beautify the spawn area and so on… (Different colored holos can look great in front of the stone bricks) as for the format and text input, this can be decided buy the donor and later on be modified by the Admin+ to meet the server’s standards and then create the holo. And to make things fair, we could have “Display Zones” , in a certain area Iron Donor’s can have their displays here, and in that area Gold Donor’s have their displays, so on and so forth…. It’s up to you (staff) to limit how many displays (holos) each donor may have… [*NOTE- Previously discussed with DarkKnightz17]
2)Now this suggestion is for further development of the SimpleRegionMarket project, the system is very useful for player, no arguments there, but I feel that the regions are too small, but I guess things have to be standardized… but I suggest having a new warp (/warp dbm – donorblackmarket) where the regions are slightly bigger, like 6x6x3 or 6x4x4 (that’s totally up to the staff, It would be nice to have bigger regions), with different themes from bm, spruce–> Quartz… The price range for these shops can be 2500-3500, the warp accessible by anyone, but shops in dbm can only be rented by donors…
I wish I had more ideas atm, but that’s all for now I hope you guys take these ideas into consideration 😛
Dayum, I wish I could correct those spelling errors, but I can’t :/
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