My Super Craft Brothers Brawl suggestions!


Home Forums Minigames Map Sharing Map Suggestions My Super Craft Brothers Brawl suggestions!

This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Claustofobia 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #21884 Score: 0



    Mario – Instead of a bow, Mario should have 32 firecharges that can be thrown

    Link  He should have shears as a boomerang, boomerang will allow Link to bring the players towards him, even items too (will be mentioned in the text)!

    Items will be very uselful to other players to battle. It will make the game more harder and fun!

    Pokeball – Will be spawn eggs, only hostile mobs will be allowed (you better do /gamerule doMobGriefing false so Creepers wont destroy the map)

    Hammer It will be an axe with knockback VII and it will be used only once (means that it will break after one hit)
    Firecharge – Will be thrown and it will set players on fire

    This will be rare, epic and very powerful thing in the game…
    It will be a Magma cube (effects : Resistance IV, Regeneration I) riding an invisible bat (effects : Slowness III). When a magma cube is killed, it will allow a player to do his special move! And here are the m0ves!
    Mario – Will get a Blaze rod that will spawn a rain of exploding fireballs! Only one use!
    Link – Will get a golden sword with knockback X, 1/3 broken!
    Pikachu – Will be able to fly unlimited (10 seconds) and hit them with a golden sword with knockback VIII, 1/3 broken!
    Sheik – Will have a Bow of Light with knockback X and flame I. Only one use!
    Bowser – Will spawn zombies with God diamond armor and knocback V swords!
    And that is all people!
    Hope you like my ideas!

    #21893 Score: 0


    Smash Ball must be added. It is the symbol of SuperSmashBros!

    #21897 Score: 0


    They need to add marth!

    #21901 Score: 0


    Marth? Oh yeah..

    First arrival in SSBB!

    #21902 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I don’t think you understand the power of the knockbacks on a higher scale

    #21905 Score: 0


    Oh believe, I do…  O_O

    #21922 Score: 0

    14 pts

    How you try configuring all this stuff…


    Seems Hard right, Guess what, I vote down: Too much advantages and VERY op

    #21933 Score: 0


    How about I change things a little?

    Mario – Will get a Blaze rod that will spawn a exploding fireball. Only one use!
    Link – Will get a golden sword with knockback II
    Pikachu – Will be able to fly unlimited (10 seconds) and hit them with a golden sword with knockback I.
    Sheik – Will have a Bow of Light with knockback II and flame I.
    Bowser – Will spawn zombies (3 at most) and a knockback I sword.

    #21937 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I found this online:



    I actually uplaod this image.. So yeah, sems ligit for a good map.



    #21939 Score: 0


    That map looks pretty good Wither, but I can’t tell too well from the picture how big it is. If it is too big, it may be tougher to play on, as it can be hard to knock people off. Can you show me the website? I’m gonna download it and try it out with my brother, DeltaZ.

    #21941 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Cough Cought, i guess this is COPYRIGHt???? i found this off another minecraft server. Also, it is very big…. so yeah we can EDIT IT…


    You can test this server out, It’s premimum…..

    Skype me and i tell u ip…

    #21942 Score: 0


    they need pokaballs! there spawner eggs that rarely drop and can throw them like a snowball and they spawn the MOB!!!! and also add the hammer diamond sword with knockback  like 8 and rarely drops with like 3 uses on it. and wither ur preiumim MC acccount? i got premium.

    #21984 Score: 0


    I’m postiing this to be added. Not be be like this.

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