Mysterious Guy.


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This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Richard (Ричард) 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #44507 Score: 0

    1 pt

    On the creative server this “player” joined that has a headmod and in a matter of a second he was a guardianmod. His name is specialmod3 and he says hes superman. Ive got a pic of him chatting to me and pressing the tab key.
    I will try to upload the pics as soon as posible but I dont have any photo sharing account.
    I thinks it’s deasertman or Badboy.

    #44508 Score: 0

    1 pt

    btw When I finished this topic he just demoted himself to member and msgd me “Bai”(weird)

    #44514 Score: 0


    The “specilmod” people are moderators in disguise that do “Specil” things for others. Like on survival they put the sponges

    #44527 Score: 0

    2 pts

    LOL this made my day xDDDDD and its special*

    #44534 Score: 0

    Well, yeah, specialmods are kinda mods in disguise. Members are not allowed to know why they’re made, nor know who’s the specialmod…

    #44535 Score: 0


    No…everyone knows who special mods are. They are us mods on alts with /fly and other commands that we use to protect towns.

    #44537 Score: 0


    And they cant use their real accounts because any person found with sponge will be rolled back and permabanned, which will happen to the “specialmods” when the update comes around.

    #44538 Score: 0

    7 pts

    And because Supermans save towns, deasertman is correct specialmods save towns too. We’re Superman!

    #44565 Score: 0


    He…he…He…he….Not so special eh….?

    #44571 Score: 0

    1 pt

    This wasnt in survival it was in creative and who ever it was he was being rude to me and everyone else. I asked who he was and he said “superman” (I was guesing it could be deasertman because of his attitude to me and his way of doing stuff(normally deasertman just promotes and demotes himself and thats what specialmod3 was doing) when I go a bit annoyed I msgd him asking who was he because I didnt knoe who he was, but when I did this I typed COMMON DUDE in caps by mistake, followed by that he called me a little kid raging. First im not a kid and second it was a typo and by what I know typing in caps is spam and he didnt tell me that he just insulted me. Then someone needed help and called this guy and didnt awnser but I knew he was there because he was msging me “cool story bro”

    #44574 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Haha that was me, and don’t try and change the story making me the villian.. I honestly don’t have to explain anything here since I know I did nothing wrong, and the person who asked for help, the reason I didn’t help him was because I was testing something with perms. You were only annoying me with your messages. I wasn’t even rude, I just replied with “cool story bro” most of the time..

    #44578 Score: 0

    God damnit, guys, I was trying to sound mysterious D:

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