Narnia : Should we be team with them?


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This topic contains 14 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  dantheracer 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #24540 Score: 0


    Even thiugh we are allies with Narnia, they dispise us and talk trash about us. I’m talking about HappyTown vs Narnia. We should have war. They think we suck! Sad but true. This is my idea. Reply what you think.

    #24545 Score: 0


    You better make bases.

    Camp and wait for a kill.

    Snipers. Ninjas. Knights. EVERYTHING!

    That would be awsome!

    #24548 Score: 0


    Ummm thx toni, Im guessing you agree! Nice feedback! I actually have a huge castle on a 32 x 32 plot. Maybe that will be the base. Who knows.

    #24549 Score: 0


    LOL ID LIKE to see THIS!!! I to have always wanted revenge on narnia.. they tried to suffocate my outpost near spawn and made snail trails (which were unclaimed) near another. I VOTE UP!


    #24553 Score: 0


    nice! thx for supporting me Xavier! I really enjoy that! If possible, help me to get Narnia’s and HappyTowns Mayors and assistants to see this!

    #24556 Score: 0


    Seen by an important assistant of HappyTown.

    And, feedback? Well. I admit, the idea is nice, and would be fun

    But you have to imagine what may happen. Two of the server’s biggest towns. More than 400 residents each. Some of the best PvP’ers in the server. Imagine the possibilites 😛

    It wouldn’t really be possible. I mean, it’s not like we can turn PvP on, and go around killing eachother. If we were to have the Legit Towny War, it would occur with all towns, and even permit griefing. Can we really have that between the two biggest towns eva? Nope. Sorry, but though it sounds fun, I have to Vote Down

    #24558 Score: 0


    No problem omega! Everyone has a choice.

    #25194 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Wars are forbidden.

    When Narnia fell, I made sure that Garn was warned to save it. At that time, it was the biggest town on server and i felt bad for all the residents.

    I know there has been some fights in Nation Chat and sure I got angry when saso lured and killed me and friends in pvp, but still both towns have been in same nation for almost a year.

    If I wished i could have kicked them from nation but that would have been childish. Narnia will have a spot in The United Nation as long as the situation isnt unbearable.

    #25200 Score: 0


    …I feel like I agreed to Nazzi…

    #25201 Score: 0

    3 pts

    You guys should start a war in the wild, like a battleground 😮

    #25202 Score: 0

    16 pts

    No War! World Peace! What your saying is that your telling like Persia clash with another Persia(Who both have futuristic weapons), and that would be pretty much… One of the towns losing the war and dying, and the other town being heavily griefed, aka annihilated…

    #25203 Score: 0


    I don’t think u guys know what really happens in town wars, in my experience, you can’t really fight people because, they won’t really turn pvp on in their town, and if they do, they’ll just tp away. If you want my opinion, it’s not worth it, a war in EC isn’t really a war, it’s more like people threatening each other, It’s not worth spending an hour of your time talking to someone u dislike

    #25227 Score: 0


    Thank you, everyone for your own opinions!!!!

    #25230 Score: 0


    I think borncorp should add Warhub plugin.
    it’s like a CTF mode and PvP. More like SS but this time with teams.

    #26656 Score: 0


    borncorp said, this is towny peace server, if you want war go to climaxcraft with factions and raid or something

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