need opinions


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal need opinions

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #18408 Score: 0


    im thinking of doing a mod trial but im not sure if i have a good impression with people since my resent ‘glitching’ i havent been on this server for very long and i have checked out the template for this and its looking good but i don’t want to make a trial and then get denied then later on make another and make me sound needy and probably get denied again because of the rule….

    so if u could give me your oppinion on weather or not i should do it and im not asking to bribe people or anything im just asking for opinions


    #18415 Score: 0


    Great Guy, Did one bad thing a while back, faced his consequences and moved on unlike some of you players who just moan and cry about how hard it is to be jailed for 1 hour.

    I Would vote for you

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