new arena name /ma j pvp


Home Forums Survival General discussion new arena name /ma j pvp

This topic contains 36 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Avroramip 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #52765 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Sarahbear ty for youre voting πŸ˜€

    #52766 Score: 0


    Please refrain from spamming. You have made 6/10 replies.

    #52767 Score: 0

    16 pts

    But what you said on the post is that all the stuff you bring to that server STAYS in that server. And if people have free armor, they can just steal all the stuff that other people got legit such as protection 4 from a shop and that’s for FREE and that’s not nice.

    #52768 Score: 0


    basically MA means Mob Arena…so if this gets accepted
    its now /Mob Arena Join PVP
    it doesnt makes sense

    #52772 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Vote Down

    Mobs and Pvp are annoying if they get put together.

    #52781 Score: 0

    13 pts

    So I don’t understand but What you mean is allowing PvP and Mobs..No not a great idea..Coz people can be annoying and kill the players but forget about the mobs.that is what i understand :)

    #52786 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I totally agree with Rogue, it’ll be like a kit PvP arena with tons of classes and mobs..

    #52791 Score: 0


    Vote Down!!!! Cause it sucks with pvp and mobs, u attack mobs and then someone kills u and u lose all your xp’s :) (Idk Wat Im talking about)

    #52795 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    hi guys :D.
    look like i said before its a voting, so i dident said that mobs will spawn 100% , i said with out mobs but someone said its better to mobs also spawn.
    aslo it will not be like super smash with tons of kits it will be just 3 kits . also you can bring youre stuff from home+ the kit in arena like /warp winer and after you comes out all the stuff server gave u will be remove so u can just fight in it for free with armour . plz think again aabout it all can vote make server best server ever with voting.
    mod67 πŸ˜€

    #52796 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Lucas0alves its not for and xp, look if you buy a god armour and you lose it you will more sad than lose xp , but u will not get xp from here , here is for pvp!

    #52797 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    S_Killer99 its just pvp in my idea πŸ˜€ so u understand :)

    #52799 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    i will say again to who will vote again , its just pvp arena not mob arena!
    not with tons of kit just 2 or 3 kits . you can bring stuff from home to pvp but the armour you get from server will remove when you come out from pvp arena but stuff you get from home will not remove!
    if you look at those guys in pvphill or pvp many of them run and punch just with a hand but we can make a better pvp arena to dont see it again .
    all people can pvp πŸ˜€ is what i want to happend
    ty mod67 πŸ˜€

    #52800 Score: 0


    Vote down. As Rougue said, it’s something like KitPvp in Minigames2 server. And you said it’s not a mob arena, but the command itself is /ma… :/

    #52803 Score: 0


    Ahem,first thing: DO NOT SPAM THE FORUMS,try to edit you post to prevent posting again,just saying.
    Second thing: (suggestions)
    With mobs: I suggest that each time you kill a mob,you get xp,if you get to 5 levels of xp,you get strength 1 for 10 seconds (you don’t lose levels),if you get to level 10, you get regeneration 2 for 5 seconds,if you get to level 15,you get resistance 2 for 5 seconds. It’s easy to make using command blocks,and the point of the game is to kill your opponent,so killing a few mobs will just help you do that. And there shouldn’t be so many mobs,just a few of them,which is good for killing idlers. When there is just 1 player left,he wins and arena ends. Also,in case if you didn’t notice,you do NOT die in mob arena,when the final blow is delivered,you are completely healed and teleported to the arena lobby in which you were in.
    Without mobs: Well,it should make the players invincible for like 10 seconds,and then it should turn on pvp. When there is just 1 player left,he wins and arena ends.

    And i think you should be able to use all classes,because it would be interesting to see how the MA classes are good against each other.
    For example,a few potions of harming from a medic,and you are dead,and armor doesn’t help. However,the range is really short,so classes like snowman or bounty hunter would easily kill the medic before he can get close.
    And in KitPvp,you join,you kill,you get killed. Here,people won’t be able to join rounds once they have started. So,there will be no interruptions,and it may be quite fun.
    You will have to clear your inventory before joining,too. Otherwise,this cannot be made in MA. And the command could be different,just saying.
    That was just a bunch of suggestions.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Antares6.
    #52821 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    you have a good idea πŸ˜€

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