New Changes to Towny


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #62549 Score: 0


    Hey I was wondering and probably need a reason/understanding of the new town land restrictions.
    The thing that doesn’t make a lot of sense to myself is that that there is a limit of 9 plots per resident which isn’t a lot i believe, especially when there has been the introduction of /warp survival 2. And now that the server has been expanded a great deal. The land is there to be utilised so why such a small limit? And i believe that that is the reason for expansion of the server.
    I do understand why there is a limit on the amount of land a town can claim but i just find it silly when the server is so large. Maybe the more land you a town claims the more it costs to claim that land, could be an alternative?
    Anyway give me your thoughts, Psycho9.

    #62557 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I think you misunderstood, it is not the limit of 9 plots per resident, I think they meant if you have a town, and you only have a resident in it, you can only claim several plots+9 plots. So every resident that joined your town can make your town bigger. I also do not think there is a limit to claiming plots, its only that it is more expensive.

    #62567 Score: 0


    Oohh makes sense now lol. My thoughts were with Psycho

    #62568 Score: 0


    Like MaxminoS said its:
    1 member = 9 plots (Which is still alot)
    As if you think about it 9/10 members in a town own 1 or maybe 2 plots.
    Besides that the world got expanded due the fact we where running out of space and that small towns could take in alot of space. For example a town with 10 members could claim up to 160 plots.

    #62570 Score: 0

    3 pts

    residents can own 100 plots (max) as for residents in your town, your town can expand (NumResidents * 9)

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