New chat Channel Suggestion for Survival.


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report New chat Channel Suggestion for Survival.

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Trevish 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86953 Score: 0


    I was wondering if we could have a chat,most of the times known as local chat.It will be a chat which can be seen only by the people who are around use like,Maximum 30 meters..It will help us a lot between meetings of people or for EG: A Miner Group meeting.It’s just a simply add on and it would be great if this idea is considered cause also,its towny server where most of the times,stuffs are done in groups,we can’t msg one by one,or use general chat which will let everyone know about what we are talking..So i hope someone takes this in consideration

    #86954 Score: 0


    Sorry for le grammar,and i meant about US not USE

    #86962 Score: 0


    Is there a plugin like this?

    #86963 Score: 0


    That sounds like an amazing idea Trivesh! But sadly it is impossible to do/perform, as there is no such plugin available for this task, unless Eternalcraft has a Plugin Developer 😮

    But since, we’re on topic, I’d like to ask if it is possible to make a “Mayor Chat”, for all the town mayors in Survival, I’m aware that this is highly unlikely, but I would appreciate a response 😀

    #87094 Score: 0


    Yes ,if possible ill try to find a plugin for that but i would like to know others opinions as well

    #87096 Score: 0

    15spike it is possible. i once saw an server with an range chat.

    #87127 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Sounds interesting and seems like something useful.

    #87612 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I can confirm that this can simply be done with essentials, although it might be kind of hard to configure it to the way you guys want, and a new plugin might be needed. I’m quite positive that a plugin as such has been created, since this is a very easy concept, you just need to search a little bit. Also, I like the idea and this might be quite useful for numerous people (I’m not one of them though :P). Should be implemented if it can be done without conflicting with anything else! 😀

    #87613 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Maybe make it so that you can switch between local and global chat at anytime you want. Also you should try to make it so that Trials+ can see all the chat (including the locals) otherwise it’ll become hard to keep an eye on the chat.


    #87618 Score: 0


    Yep I was wrong! 😀

    But I am looking forward to the implementation of this new chat! 😀

    #87619 Score: 0


    @ZeroStrike ,Na,its like a chat like /tc or /nc

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