NEW ./kit food (every 10 minutes) plz tell me whay you think after you read


Home Forums Survival General discussion NEW ./kit food (every 10 minutes) plz tell me whay you think after you read

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Kevin77555 11 years ago.

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  • #59024 Score: 0


    Okay I was thinking we should have a new kit.!!!! Idk if all of you agree eith me but I do .! Lol ./kit food should have 10 bread and 5 melons and a cookie . Because I always see new people saying they need foood usuallly I give them food if I am not feeling lazy but thay should be a kit and usable every 10-20 minutes? Idk im just bored and was thinking of this

    #59030 Score: 0


    Well its plain survival, the point of it is to survive. If people need to get food, they need to join a town and get money or make food. Plus, people would be stacked on food meaning shops will loose money.

    #59035 Score: 0


    Agree with Delta 😛
    /kit tools already give you a bread, and that’s enough for temp food, if you need more, you can buy it at shops or make a farm in your town.

    #59042 Score: 0


    Nah. Since /kit tools already gives you bread i see no need for this.

    #59043 Score: 0


    I think that would be a good Idea, but there is already a kit that gives you food. Like Delta said everyone would be stocked with food and have no need to buy food or make it. I think it’s just a lazy way out of most things.

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