New MA and pvp arena


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  saif33 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #26899 Score: 0


    Well we know how born changed the spawn back to the original Glass dome and I like the dome it’s cool.
    Well i’ve been wondering since we changed the spawn why not change the PvP arena and MA back to what they orignally where. So the bedrock pvp arena again and the stone brick MA with the wolf , spider and CHICKEN boss that shoots lightning!. And the current MA boss is way over powered and it just is more like fighting Herobrine in creative mode or something.
    So leave your comments about what you guys think Cause i think it should be back!

    #26903 Score: 0


    Why not have both, give people a choice what arena they want to go to…mark them as warps known as the easy arena and advanced arena or something…

    Current MA boss isn’t overpowered at all, I’ve seen worse. The MA boss is just annoying.

    #26904 Score: 0


    i hate the the new spider boss hes too hard to kill the old bosses are better so i think you should do this


    #26910 Score: 0


    I agree with reconstrikedelta it should give people a choice which mob arena to join

    #26947 Score: 0


    actually i think it would be good if we had 2 mob arena’s so we don’t have to wait that long for a mob arena to end. And the cave spider boss is basically impossible to kill

    #26956 Score: 0

    1 pt

    mabe we should make arenas for different difficulty

    #26969 Score: 0


    We must make the mob areana easier
    Like it wad before the spider cave
    Is like superman kicking our ass
    Impossible to kill xD

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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