New Plugin Request! WAR!


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion New Plugin Request! WAR!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  XxBEARxX 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #19850 Score: 0


    Hey guys, I just started going crazy with plugins on my Hamachi Server, and I’ve downloaded two of my new favorites, that I think would be great with EC. Since we already have mini games like Spleef, HG, PvP, etc, I think it would be great to add CaptureTheWool/CaptureTheFlag, and War (MUST-HAVE). War allows special war zones for you to play in, so new players without god armor or cool swords will be able to play, without having a disadvantage, as everyone is given armor when the game starts and taken away when the game ends. WAR also allows in Capture The Flag, with as large-sized teams, and as many colors as you want. Capture The Flag is REALLY fun. I’m just scared that War hasn’t been updated to 1.5.1 yet… but anyway here are the links for “war” and “Capture The Flag”

    War (CTF, PvP, Warzones, etc.):


    #19852 Score: 0

    2 pts

    xD Sounds fun!

    #20001 Score: 0


    No response HeadMods? Please? I REALY want you to at least investigate the plugins.

    #20003 Score: 0


    I think it would be a great thing to have on EC but, it would cause lag though considering hg is disabled for lag and crashes. But it would be fun.

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