new spawn


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report new spawn

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  takoballball 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #64613 Score: 0


    ok there is a new spawn and i love it I trully do its amazing but I just lagg to hard on it I freeze(unresponsive) for seconds and i can move a little and back to please I’m not asking t make a hole new spawn I’m just saying take out the extra stuff that make the lagg so people like me can just enjoy life thanks for reading-V

    #64615 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Well. Vesl, as you stated on one of your topics, you said your computer gets 3 – 5 FPS on average. My computer is around 50 FPS to 200 FPS, it barely lags in /spawn. Due to you getting 3 – 5 FPS on average, most places should shoot you down to 1 FPS. Plus the guards, heads, and the admin worked really hard on this. They’d be disappointed if it wasn’t as good as they made it to be.

    #64620 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Get optifine, Don’t be cocky about your settings:
    Render distance : 1-4 Chunk
    Smooth Lighting : Off
    Particles : Minimal/Off
    and all the other stuff. Use default/16x/8x/4x/2x Resource packs not anything above. Place fps on 60 FPS/Balanced.

    Don’t even try to max out all your settings and complain about how bad your fps is.

    #64622 Score: 0


    Lag depends on:

    *Your computer
    *Your ISP
    *Your location
    *The server
    *The ISP of the server
    *Your settings

    You have 5 options:

    1) Upgrade to a new computer
    2) Use Lubuntu
    3) Changing your ISP might help
    4) Tweak your system
    5) Convince the staff to make a lighter spawn

    As @waveware said, don’t be cocky about your settings
    @rogue_art: You’re correct.

    #64638 Score: 0


    omg im flip a table you guys think me getting 1-5 fps ima have max setting!! were did you get that idea,i have optifine,graphics:fast,smoot lighting:off,smooth lighting level:off,render:2 tiny,max framerate:unlimited and so on and so forth,and i know the staffs really work hard on it i understand that it just has too much redstone traps,secrete doors,ect. when i look at the fountin i freeze

    #64639 Score: 0


    but what ever forget about this request ill just stay in my town

    #64641 Score: 0


    Get a better computer or close useless background programs ><

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