New Survival World


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  videogameclick 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #23416 Score: 0


    Idk if possible but i think it would be good idea if every year or 2 years old survival world should be replaced with new one but keeping all your items1

    Would Be a Good Idea

    #23419 Score: 0



    #23425 Score: 0


    why change the survival world? I don’t like the idea

    #23430 Score: 0


    partly, I agree

    I mean i agree only in the part of WILDERNESS because lastly wilderness is full of furnaces and useless stuff

    why not clear the wilderness?

    As for all the other survival world, no need to destroy the towns and the spawn and the pvp arenas and all the other cool stuff


    #23432 Score: 0

    5 pts

    I would like wipe and all players could save their stuff to ark.

    But we have lots of cool towns and buildings and saving them would take lots of work. On the other hand wilderness is ugly and most of the resources are collected.

    At the moment most of the community is against it so, I think we are not going to wipe anything

    #23438 Score: 0


    Yea i agree to wipe the wilderness but keep all towns and clear out all of that locked stuff. And furnace houses shouldint be allowed

    #23439 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    I think Born is plaining on regeningthe wilderness when the sever updates to 1.6 as for Furnce house i think they are fine they are an important part of online survial worlds in that new players can build a safe place to live and if u have a issue with a furnce house im sure theres a mod happy to help fix it.


    #23443 Score: 0


    Vote down

    Well,it is a PvP server and you must lose your items.

    I suggested to add RPG world and you don’t lose items in RPG!


    #23444 Score: 0

    2 pts

    VOTE UP ok everyone it seems to me as if many of you have forgotten the whole point of minecraft. What makes minecraft fun is the search for items and resources! But if there are none left in the world to collect then what fun is it? I don’t think an entire world wipe would be a good idea, as Hablaman1 said, but a clearing of the wilderness is most certainly going to be needed VERY soon. Ive seen many many newcomers to EC say I CANT FIND ANY TREES! :( And they are right. There are almost no trees left in the wilderness these days. And not only are there no tree left, there are very few valuable ores such as diamonds, emeralds, iron, and gold. Ive seen some players actualy quit the serve because it had no resources left in the wilderness to collect. Now before I get a bunch of hate from me posting this, let me end with the fact that THIS IS MY OPINION. I am not forcing this idea among others but I am strongly recommending it to others. So with that said, I shall end with a 😀


    #23450 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Nice Trollson and Toni we are talking about the wilderness being wiped well most of us and i do doubt that towns will be regened so if you dont want to loss your stuff join a town but i did notice one thing on the sever at school where i did /regen to the origanl parts of the sever 1.2.3 stuff it  changed the biome and levels of the ground so we may have some floating towns and some undergound towns when its all down XD


    #23457 Score: 0


    Wipe the wilderness, but not the town areas. People have done a lot of hard work with their towns and spent a lot of money claiming land and building farms and such.

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