New Towny Rules


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This topic contains 26 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #23917 Score: 0

    3 pts

    If you look at dynamic maps, the town borders look pretty ugly, random here and there, and snail trails. In 6 days from now, it’s going to be all cleaned up.

    – If you have an outpost (claimed land that is apart of your town) It must be 5×5 plots big at minimumand must be used as in… there are buildings on it and it is being used.

    – For snail trails, There must have buildings on it, and at least 3 plots wide, not 1 plot wide line across the whole map, and no, it can’t just be used for railroads only.

    After the 6 day mark, every 24 hours, if you are the mayor, you will get a notice saying,” you have a small outpost under the requirement, remove or make it bigger” and/or ” you have a snail trail, make it wider or remove it”  Or your town will be penalized and removed by force.

    Have a nice day 😉

    #23918 Score: 0


    Will the outposts be unclaimed or destroyed?

    #23920 Score: 0

    3 pts

    they will be unclaimed, so it will be apart of the wilderness, and random players can grief it, and it will not be rolled back

    #23921 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Sounds like a good idea! Cant wait to see the map get cleaned up a little bit!

    #23922 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Well after this Clean up thing, i think the next step is to wipe the wilderness

    #23923 Score: 0

    3 pts

    That ‘might’ happen in 1.6, no promises :O

    #23924 Score: 0


    shiz… what if the town owner and co-owner cant play atall… will our town still be removed??

    P.S.   the co-owner is cookie_monst3r (me) and the owner is minerboy

    #23926 Score: 0


    shiz.. me and minerboy cant play at the moment… ill be able to play by fri, (i am cookie_mons3r) but could u possibly tell ttram to get rid of our tunnel to bornttown? cuz if not there is no way of saving minepad and ive invested sssoooooo uch into that city and i dont want to see it go to waste…  please save minepad!!!

    #23935 Score: 0


    Also, maybe expanding the size of the world to a width of 10000 blocks would be a good idea, since the server is growing so rapidly.

    #23936 Score: 0


    And another thing, would underground farms count as being used? I built a sizable melon farm before I left, and it’s not 5×5 (4×4 I think) and has no surface buildings, but is a large source of revenue for Divinity/the Eternity Realm. Would this also get cleared?

    #23943 Score: 0


    Good….Its about time this happens, I’ve been waiting for the day 😀

    #23945 Score: 0


    But skills, I’ve been exploring and such, and I find that some people string claimed with permission from Chibichuba (say, Carson’s bridge) and such before, as well as HappyTown with some areas. However, you DO state this as a NEW Towny Rule. I don’t know which to follow. I don’t wish to extend the areas from HappyTown’s water transport system to 3 plots instead of one, as it would cause us a LOT of money. However, I don’t want to have it destroyed in the next few days. Which should I follow?

    #23955 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I’d like to request a small boon, the bridge that connects /warp North with /warp Blue is only 1 plot thick, and only about 10 plots long, but it traverses only over ocean plots and is of no use to anyone else, I’d like very much not to have it unclaimed.
    Plus its like a heritage bridge being over a year old.
    I had plans to make it look nicer but am currently focusing on maintaining the roads closer to my mainland.

    #23956 Score: 0

    16 pts

    This new rule is just… bad. Nothing good, its saying that you can’t make railroads/bridges that are not very expensive for claiming and that you will have your outposts removed if its too small, this is just like criticisim on towns. I request that snail trails be okay I mean seriously it doesn’t make it look bad in the map or no one cares about it what so ever…

    #23961 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I think it’s a necessary rule though, snail trails and pointless claiming of wilderness prevents expansion of smaller towns, and reduces locations for new towns to build. Plus more unnecessarily claimed land means less renewed wilderness when wilderness wipes occur.

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