New Update!


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  xD90o1 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #25431 Score: 0


    As you all know, the 1.6 update is coming out! I’m very very excited for that, but the thing is, I don’t want to update until the server updates. This happened to me a while ago for the 1.5.2 update. I updated and wasn’t able to get on for a while. So my question is, When is the server going to update? If you know, please tell me because I really really REALLY want to update! (I mean who doesn’t want to ride horses and mules in Minecraft?!) Thanks for taking your time to read this 😀


    #25435 Score: 0


    CreeperQueen9….. I did the exact thing!! Lol!! As soon as 1.5.2 came out, I updated :( . I thought is would’ve updated, but it didn’t. My advide to you is to not update. When you check your servers and eternalcracked says you need 1.6 to play, then update. I hope my advice helped you. I just don’t want anyone to feel the pain of not playing on this server for a while.


    #25449 Score: 0


    Bad news for 1.6:
    You’ll need a new launcher. I’m sure the cracked one’ll still work, but that’s kinda a disadvantage.

    #25455 Score: 0


    Gh0st i have found a cracked launcher for anyone who wants it. It does NOT require password to enter. But unfortunattly i dont think the current cracked launcher will still work :( . If you want it send me a msg OR google it.


    #25456 Score: 0


    1: Select Location you want it in
    2: IF its not in the .minecraft Transfer all your saves from it and put it in the folder labled “Saves”
    3: PLAY!



    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by  Xavier3479. Reason: No link
    #25462 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Creeper, you could always backup the .minecraft folder and the launcher. So whenever u want to play the updated or the old version, u just have to replace it.

    write %appdata% in adress bar to find it

    If there is need for a new cracked launcher I hope it wont be long untill someone makes it.

    #25464 Score: 0


    I have NO idea how to do all that crud….. Is it just possible for me to wait for like a week or something? It’s the easiest way lol

    #25465 Score: 0


    I’ll just wait until I find out when the server updates and just find out my self when. I have no idea how to do all that hard stuff .-.

    #25510 Score: 0


    Bad news! I cant download the new launcher, my pc is acting up… So I’m probably not going to be able to log back on to minecraft. NO I’m not staying in 1.5.2. Well, if I do need a launcher, I’m just going to say bye forever. Bye :)

    #25512 Score: 0


    Is the update out?

    #25513 Score: 0


    To Macomatic and CreeperQueen9: you’re not the only one that went ahead of the server version
    Hahahahahahahahaha i also did it before i got banned in legendsmc :/

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