Newcomer Tips


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Kevin77555 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #67843 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’m sorry if this is the wrong section for posting this, but I couldn’t find any other appropriate section. This seemed to be the best, compared to others. Anyways, I got slightly bored, so I decided to create a semi-tutorial for newcomers, in order to have an easy start towards ranking up.

    Tip #1: Don’t rent any cells. They are not worth 1,000$ a day, especially for D-Block prisoners, as you don’t even need them

    Tip #2: Watch out from scammers. If it were me, I wouldn’t make any deals unless it’s one of my best friends. Also, you can try and scam others so you can make quick money. Don’t make the amount too high though, as the person could get suspicious. Also, do it in private and deny whenever the person accuses you. That way you could be able to scam others as well.
    Tip #3: Spend most of the time mining, not chopping wood. Just get a stack of wood, or whatever you need for the basic tools you will use in your experience. Mining makes much more money than wood cutting.
    Tip #4: When you’re mining, don’t mine on the top unless it’s right after reset. Mine all the surface ores, then go to the bottom. The reason you should do this is because of the large number of traps that are done in the small amount of time.
    Tip #5: Don’t spend your time going into fights or pvping. Instead try avoiding those. You will most likely lose as there are much better people camping, and waiting to kill you. You’re better at just trying to avoid those by directly /warp-ing to your block.
    Tip #6: Try not to make enemies, but instead try your best to make friends. Honestly, enemies don’t really matter, but those with friends do. You will be haunted. However, if you have your own friends they will be able to protect you, along with helping you in your experiences here on EC Prison.
    Tip #7: Search for better prices to sell your resources at the black market. Instead of selling your iron ores for 1,700$ in D-Block (or whatever the price is), you may be able to sell it for 2,000$ on the black market. Don’t get too excited, though. You rarely find very rewarding prices. The usual prices are just a bit over average prices, which you will find in the D-Block shop.
    Tip #8: Never waste your money on drugs. You will be able to buy those later when you’re rich. They’re pretty much useless and will just get you effects which you might dislike. Unless you’re trying to sell them (which most of the time fails, as people are most likely to have cheaper prices than yours), just don’t get them.

    Those are all the tips I have for now. You are all welcome to suggest/fix/ add more tips to this topic. Cheers!

    #67844 Score: 0

    3 pts

    One more tip: When mining in D block, don’t mine while standing above the [block] you want to get, but beside it. This will prevent you from falling and gettin’ trapped. 😛

    ~Doubled Deer {DD}

    #67881 Score: 0

    16 pts

    A few things to note: My shop sells iron ingots for 2400 dollars per stack of ingots. :O

    Cells are worthit, because I got a cell, and I can’t literally live without that extra inv space.

    Drugs are amazing, if you can get chur hands on a speed drug, you could just pass through 20 of those pro 4 unb 3 fire aspect 2 guys, and not have a scratch.

    #67901 Score: 0

    1 pt

    @Rogue_Art Cells are not useful for d-blockers, because I doubt they have that many items. If they do, then they should be able to rank up.
    Also, drugs for d-blocks are useless as the path to their block has pvp disabled, along with the block itself.

    #67902 Score: 0


    I’ve never actually used drugs… in game… Tonight someone should show me what they are…

    #67903 Score: 0


    Is there a mining drug that makes you mine REALLY fast?

    #67918 Score: 0


    Kevin the drug that makes you mine REALLY fast is called caffeine it gives you haste and speed for about 10-20 seconds and you also get an after effect which is slowness and mining fatigue for about 10 seconds but if you use a diamond pickaxe with caffeine you can litteraly shred through the mine


    #68032 Score: 0


    RedRaiser how much is caffeine???

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