No Fall Damage in Ore/Wood Mines


Home Forums Prison Feedback No Fall Damage in Ore/Wood Mines


This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Trevish 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #129055 Score: 0


    I’ve seen some trollers building holes straight down all the way to the bottom in Mines, and players who are getting the resources sometimes fall for this trap and die, losing their items in the mine.
    Can fall damage be disabled in the mines? Since it isn’t much of any usefulness to players.
    Thanks for reading my suggestion, and I hope you can consider this 😀

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by  .
    #129059 Score: 0


    It’s part and parcel of prison gameplay. You can build traps for people to fall into, so open your eyes big when mining. Don’t mine straight down.

    #129060 Score: 0


    @DragonEngineer I saw someone fall, die and rage quit :/

    #129066 Score: 0


    That’s the basis of prison gameplay, can’t help it :(

    #129079 Score: 0

    12 pts

    The traps is just a Trap if a Player falls for it then thats not really our prob to fix. There’re still other ways you can die in the Mines but I won’t say any becuase people may use it.

    As long as you can’t pvp someone in the Mines then it should’n be any probs.

    Have a good day! :)

    #129082 Score: 0


    TyTaggartDP like what DragonEnginner said above ^ , It is the basis of prison , you dont need to be so soft and kind to others unless it’s regarding insulting and bullying , you can choose not to or to give items , to kill or not to kill , some of these stuff are related to prison in real life :V but not all prisons , IF you have been to many servers not only Ec then you will know that Most of the concepts In-Game are the same… Good Day 😀

    #129083 Score: 0


    Not really, I’ve been to other prison servers where you can’t die in the mines. I thought this was kind of wrong, but I guess different servers have different features 😀
    Please close this topic, thanks :)

    #129084 Score: 0


    Closing this topic as per owner’s request.

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