No hacks m8


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This topic contains 34 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  xZero_Strike 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #106071 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Just saying, do you guys see how fricking far his arrows are traveling? They are at least traveling the same distance of a max power shot, while at the speed of a low power shot. Also if you really think that you can shoot a max power shot in 0.4s, you are really crazy. Look at around 25 seconds into the video and beyond, look at how far his arrows go, even though he’s barely charging them. Ridiculous! I also found him shooting mid-jump and while running a couple times. Shooting with a bow breaks your run, but tavon actually shot two arrows at a point, and that did not break his run! Even if he shoots his arrows at the fastest time possible, or 50 ms, his run will still break! So the 0.7, 0.4, or 0.1 ms arrow thing is invalid.

    Now what I would like to see is a video of you shooting an arrow at 0.7, 0.4, and 0.1 ms. You can’t just grab something that a guy replied on in minecraft forums. For all you know, he could be a troll. His source isn’t verified, and there isn’t a video of him timing it. I even googled for other sources, there were none other than this one. Not only that, but this is from 2013, bows have now changed. They fire different in 1.8 than any other version of version of Minecraft. I even checked the gamepedia wiki, nothing there.

    Lemme prove to you one timing that shows that tavon is really hacking, and not just him being pro with the bow. Check around 1:25 and beyond. Squirtle goes on F5, and he dies. Right when he is on the Game Over screen, you can see that tavon shot 2 arrows in less than 1 second across the screen. Even if your 0.7 second rule applied, he shot 2 in less than 1 second, with max force, meaning that he’d have to shoot at 0.5 seconds or faster. Also, notice that he was switching between the sword and the bow at the same time. He actually didn’t draw the bow at all!

    Infact, if you look at around 1:55, tavon isn’t even drawing his bow at all, when Squirtle is stuck in this underground tunnel. He’s just shooting and switching to his sword. Prove to me how you can fire a max power shot in 0.1 seconds.

    Also, I asked tavon for proof on skype, he said “I got no evidence xD”, which means that he is definitely hacking, and that he has no defense in his side.

    EDIT: Zero, I wouldn’t expect you to know about bow hacks. I mean, creative obviously has pvp disabled, and prison only has crackshots, and swords. You cannot craft a bow there. Whereas in SV, and Facs, you pretty much need to have a bow or you’ll die pvping.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #106073 Score: 0

    1 pt

    “If you look around at 1:55” Tavon wasn’t even on screen at 1:55…

    Arguing and giving your opinions why you think that he is hacking or not isn’t enough. You can throw a thousand facts about a bow’s firing speed and damage if you want, it makes no difference. Lots of factors can play a role, most common would be lag.

    So arguing won’t help, show us a (short) video where it is clearly visible that tavon is hacking, and then you can talk.

    Oh and on a sidenote, people say tavon has an aimbot, but if you check at around 0:40, Tavon clearly shot an arrow, and he missed horribly. If he’d have an aimbot he would’ve hit Squirtle since they had a distance of not even 2 blocks from eachother.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  xZero_Strike.
    #106076 Score: 0


    Seems like,someone joined and doesn’t even know what is hacking or not. Lets just put this one to rest Rogue, don’t you think? No matter how hard you argue, it won’t change unless we grab another proof or leave this to the MG mods

    I think so too.

    oh and since I have more knowledge about bows, I know when to dodge an arrow.
    @xZero_Strike Let me ask you, do you know any knowledge on bows and on pvp?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Levisor.
    #106084 Score: 0

    1 pt

    You are really one to judge so fast on somebody’s knowledge.

    Just to confirm, you can fast-fire arrows, as Wave actually said, I even tested it, and it’s 100% legit.

    Oh, and there is no “knowledge” to be had on PvP, it’s fighting other players.
    I may or may not know more about bows and PvP than you, but I sure have more knowledge when it comes to common sense.

    Oh and stop continuously quoting other people, it’s like you have no other way of defending your statement with an argument.

    + Where does all this need knowledge about bows and pvp huh? How does knowledge come to this? The simple question: Is Tavon a hacker, yes or no?
    I never mentioned “knowledge” either, it’s like you’re afraid and thus immediately attacking me. And I don’t think you have any knowledge about bows , apart from how to shoot an arrow.

    #106098 Score: 0


    Oh,I’m sorry if you felt attacked.I was just asking you a simple question that should be answered yes or no. And yet you suddenly attacked me. I admit I felt disrespected on this one “but I sure have more knowledge when it comes to common sense.” but I’ll just keep it in me. :)

    You ask how does knowledge come to this? It’s a simple answer that everyone knows. Without knowledge you can’t get anywhere and with out it how can you judge someone if you know nothing?

    Please calm down and practice your anger management. Instead of suddenly attacking someone who just asked question. This topic is about “no hacks m8” not for you to start a fight at me. Although what ever you do, I won’t fight back since it will show my immaturity towards someone.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Levisor.
    #106114 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Your Arguing with a Keymaster. Yet your thinking you and Rogue are going to win yet you wont. I have show the Proof to DarkKnightz17 and he said he is with Me Wave and Zero.

    You should really just give up and I’m not saying that for nothing I’m saying that for an reason. The Proof you have.. Hmmmm Lets say not very good as far as I know.
    I was only in the video a few times and I only use the bow a few times. Oh! You wanted to see aimbot right?
    Okay here you go:

    Go to somewhere at 2:00 and see his Aimbot. And then look at the proof. Then tell me if thats Aimbot then.

    #106116 Score: 0


    Ranks really don’t mean that much to me to be honest. I have encountered so many players that has the rank but not the knowledge of it on other servers. :)

    If you think on what you are fighting for is right, why give up? Experience a downfall? why not just stand back up?

    For me, I am just wondering how fast you can charge a bow that could reach far distance (somewhat like max charged bows)

    Oh and by the way.
    “You should really just give up and I’m not saying that for nothing I’m saying that for an reason.”
    -I didn’t like your tone here. You are not in the right position to tell that to us.

    #106118 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I’m not sure why you keep presenting “proof” that you aren’t using aimbot. You really aren’t using aimbot at all, we’re already over this. Not once in the video do you just lock on players like crazy. We’re saying that you shoot the bow quickly, not locking onto targets. Did you even read some of the first replies that explained what Aimbot was? Even if you don’t have aimbot, you keep trying to prove that you don’t have it. This makes me really suspicious that you do have aimbot, even though you clearly know what bow hacks are, and people have explained to it to you in this topic.

    For bow hacks, and aimbot, every hack differs. For example, some kill aura hacks can have a radius to target, so that if you are in a 1 block radius, you will be hit, or if you’re in a 5 block radius, you will be hit. Bow hacks differ too, you can set how fast you shoot arrows. The bowhack in the video is at like 100 arrows per second, while most bow hacks have a slider that’s like “1 arrow per second, 2 arrow per second, 4 arrow per second” and so on.

    Majority doesn’t mean you win, quality means you win. You could get 1,000 players saying that you don’t hack, but if there is adequate proof from 1 player, you can get banned.

    #106119 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Rather than spamming why not grt another video?

    I recommend Wave to be next Sherlock Holmes; precision much “0.7s, 0.6s”

    #106121 Score: 0

    12 pts

    How about you go and get this ” adequate proof ” And post it here as you wish too.

    Then just saying the same thing over and over again in our face’s. Just sit there and go get your proof and then we can really talk.

    #106122 Score: 0


    How about you stop telling us what to do as I have said you are not in the right position to tell us what we are going to do. What part of it don’t you understand?

    #106123 Score: 0

    12 pts

    How about this 😛
    We stop replying to this topic right? If you know what I mean.. So we don’t make spam. 😛

    #106125 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Wave and I tried to find proof of you not hacking. There were a couple things that I noticed in the video that seemed legit. Waveware showed me that you could, infact, achieve crazy bow firing speeds. Also, why were you complaining about aimbot, when we claimed bow hacks on you? Makes me think that you really had a hacked client, and when we said “tavon is hacking”, you blurted out “i don’t use aimbot” in worry.

    #106126 Score: 0

    12 pts

    It all started with Jj thats why.

    So.. I am good?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  2Federal.
    #106130 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Depends, if anyone else has any information they would like to present, the tables could easily be turned.

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