No more auto Iron/Gold Farms in 1.8


Home Forums Survival General discussion No more auto Iron/Gold Farms in 1.8

This topic contains 15 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  AgentLOLz_ 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #55266 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Some of the patch notes from 1.8:

    Iron Golems:
    Now only drop iron when killed by the player, either through combat or potions, or player-activated mechanisms such as manually lit TNT
    If killed without player intervention, only drop poppies

    Zombie Pigmen:
    Now only drop gold nuggets/gold swords when killed by the player, either through combat or potions, or player-activated mechanisms such as manually lit TNT
    If killed without player intervention, only drop rotten flesh

    Which means:

    Any current gold farms will need to be switched over to manual farms where you hit the zombie pigman with sword, similar to monster spawner farms.

    Iron farms won’t work at all, due to changes in villager breeding requiring trading.

    #55268 Score: 0


    Well its a good thing my gold farm is already manual :)

    #55270 Score: 0


    Jeb,are you kidding me? I’m going to check the patch notes again. I better not find it true,or else i will make a meme about it (It’s the best i can do,lol) .

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  Antares6. Reason: Oooh Jeb,y u do dis? D:
    #55271 Score: 0

    13 pts

    wow really that is just making people harder to get iron..

    #55272 Score: 0


    Hm this seems like a challenge that I don’t mind to take.

    #55274 Score: 0

    3 pts

    how unfortunate 😮

    #55275 Score: 0


    o it doesnt affect me cause for some reason i cant seem to get the stupid villagers to not despawn even if its 2 villagers/plot. Aaaand my gold farm was removed soo uh yay ?

    #55276 Score: 0


    It was dinnerbone who nerfed it antares 😛

    #55282 Score: 0


    It should be simple if you could just hook up a gold plate to a dispenser to a potion machine. 😛

    #55284 Score: 0


    D: i wish someone will make a plugin that iron golems will drop iron even tho not killed by player and pigmen

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  MikeShinoda15. Reason: Pigmen
    #55287 Score: 0


    Finally, Jeb you did something right.

    #55288 Score: 0

    @vsub391 Yes, that might be a good answer, but it’s annoying/kinda expensive to make the potions of healing/harming in order to hurt those mobs.

    #55289 Score: 0


    richard, that is why I suggested you hook it up to an auto potion maker. For example, hook up a mushroom farm to a spider farm and a sugar farm for fermented spider eyes. Put them in to hoppers hooking them up to a chest. Then use repeaters to slow down the signal and make potions automatically.

    #55294 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Yea it’s a good thing I also made my farm manual and it’s open for all :)

    #55303 Score: 0


    Well.. It’s too bad there’s no more auto iron/gold farms :( it will be harder to collect irons and golds D:
    But why don’t we try vsub’s idea? (although it’s not as simple as making the usual one :|) But every problems have a solution, so i’m sure later we will find a new way to make those farms 😀 btw, #blamejeb for that 😛

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  FuriousKnight.
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